Sunday 26 November 2017

What my dog thinks about me

For a pet owner, nothing compares to the joy of striving to stay true to the image your dog has painted of you. My 9-year-old golden retriever is believed to be one of the calmer and friendlier dogs around. And as much as I wish to take pride in his people skills, I certainly cannot overlook the fact that, like humans, animals too grow wiser and more mature with age. I was in school when Lucky, a beholder of precious paws, was brought home. Looking back, I can barely imagine my life before he came into the picture. People close to me know of my love for my furry companion, and consider him to be the best thing to have happened to me. Like most dogs, mine too,sees his entire world in his small family. Even the slightest change in the people and surroundings that constitute his little world gets him worked up.

Right from being my pet's indulgence partner to whisking him away for long car rides, I've explored a multitude of emotions with a four-legged angel. I often sit contemplating what is going on in my pooch's mind every time he gives me a reaction to something I've not expected in the least. I soon realize, thereafter, that he too has survived 9 years with me, and is ought to know much about my idiosyncrasies just the way I know about his. To commemorate this special companionship (read: to feel good about myself), I've enlisted a few things, mainly those that my dog shows certainty about in my case, or maybe that's what I would like to think.
Here are some very encouraging and positive and some need-to-work-hard-on things that my dog thinks about me:

- A savior, who will always come to his rescue and never let him down.
- Someone who addresses his parents as "mom" and "dad", but he is obviously the more preferred one.
- A girl obsessed with taking innumerable selfies with him, even while he's asleep.
- A strict disciplinarian, who frequently ensures that his staple diet is restricted to the boring, dog formula and dog biscuits.
- Someone who dares to play with other dogs and stroke them in front of him.
- Moody, when it comes to walking him, and gregarious, while pampering him with treats.
- His constant car-rider and long-drive partner.
- An annoying angel, who never misses a chance to cuddle with him and frequently distracts him into discipline, when he picks a fight with his feline troublemakers.
- I'm not all that bad after all. I compensate for giving him baths against his wishes by giving him a good blowout once in a while.
- An addicted scribbler who cannot part with her pen and black book, just the same way he finds it difficult to part with his fluffy porcupine.
- I have quite a way of tackling his frequent food fuss and manage to make him down everything in his bowl in just a matter of seconds.
- Someone who is nice to be with until he invites my wrath, when my voice escalates and goes "Luckyyyyy!"
- A companion who may go missing from home for a few days, once in a while, but is certain to return back home with increased fondness and affection for him.
- A silly lover who needs him more than he needs her.

I just realised how I can go on endlessly talking about my dog, while describing the hilarity of his antics. I've been told quite a few times in my life about how people that don't consume non-vegetarian fare miss out on a lot in life, and my immediate thought process drifts to how those that have never lived with dogs miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime to live with angels.