Friday 27 July 2018

Things to learn from Rahul Gandhi

As a sucker for humour and sarcasm, I have been fed my dose of essentials for a long time with the fabricated touch of media, but my assumptions were met with a pleasant surprise when I glimpsed a historic hug in Lok Sabha, last week, during the no-confidence motion. Among other things, the speeches given at the session were filled with enough antics to tickle a layman’s funny bone. To give you an idea of the intensity of this laugh riot, through the week that went by, my routine after coming back from work focused on overdosing on all the footage glorying Mr. Gandhi’s actions and speeches from the past. When most people choose to emphasize Indian politics as a source of regular entertainment and hapless tragedy, here’s a few things I would like to take back from his speeches,  other than seeking comical relief, which I have decided to call my learnings from the bachelor.

1) Choose your career wisely: It is better to understand your capabilities and stay within your limits, while taking a shot at success than to explore options without understanding your interests.

2) Have self-belief: Whether people thrash you for your lack of smartness, boo you for your immaturity and stupidity, or simply relegate you to being a failure, keep your head high and don’t lose your belief in yourself.

3) Practise forgiveness: In the 21st century, it is a rarity to find someone reflect a value as sacred as forgiveness. And when we are to find someone that is ready to indulge in the act in full public view,
we must indeed celebrate the moment. Plus, let’s not forget that by forgiving someone, we, first, forgive ourselves.

4) Live in the present: It’s important to bury the past and look beyond all your actions to ensure that you can exist peacefully in the present. Follies, mistakes and spiteful actions only reinforce the human side to everybody.

5) Make light of every situation: Leading a life with intensity and seriousness kills the vibe. No situation, absolutely no situation, should keep you from having your share of fun and joy.

6) Learn to laugh at yourself: It takes an enlightened person who can laugh at himself. There’s a saying which goes as ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.’ If the world chooses to mock you and laugh at you, join in the laughter and celebrate the happiness of the world.

 7) Keep trying until you succeed: It’s absolutely human to lapse and experience failure while trying to prove your point and battle hurdles, but it’s crucial to keep pushing yourself harder with every challenge you face.

8) Respect is earned: It doesn’t matter where you belong or which family you are born into, you will be respected only for your own actions.

9) Value your family: The word ‘privilege' for most is restricted to having fame and access to materialistic luxuries. Ask those that have lost their family members tragically and you will know the real blessing of life lies in the comfort of a happy family.

10) Educate yourself: There is a thin line between being well-educated and well-qualified. Choose the former, for it will truly empower you.