Saturday 27 June 2015

Rains and the magical mists....

Touchdown Mumbai. And, a sense of calm and peace prevails. No matter where on earth one goes, the strings of love and pride that tie you to your homeland always keep pulling you back, to the place which always lives in your heart. And when you return to your home during monsoons, and if that means arriving in Mumbai, your welcome becomes all the more pleasurable.

As i walk out of the airport, i am greeted by mild drizzling. The droplets of rains touch my bare skin and the smell of the moist air around is enough to take me on a nostalgia trip. Of the many special moments cherished during the monsoons, nostalgia is just one of the many feelings that keep coming back to me. Soon after, on my journey back home, i am again greeted by many a pothole jammed with water, that only re-ensure me that everything is just the same as when i had left. The showers continue to bedazzle me. For once, i keep looking at the rains like someone who has never witnessed them. Irrespective of the water-clogged potholes, flooded streets, heap of garbage or the chaos that gets created with the sudden onset of heavy showers, nothing feels as real and soothing as the monsoons in here. Rains in India sometimes do more harm than good to its people; but, none can deny the adrenaline rush they experience everytime it rains.

As a school going kid, i used to yearn for heavy rains just in the hope of getting a day off from school. As i used to wake up in the morning, i used to peep outside the window in expectation of seeing flooded streets so that i could bunk school. Today, those memories hold a different meaning. I look back and laugh on those antics, not to mention how much i miss those good old days. As one marches into adulthood and takes the lead of his/her life, i just sit and marvel at the irony of life. As a kid, you hate being disciplined and let others make decisions for you at all times. But, today when i'm left to do all the things by myself and take my own decisions, wanting to be a kid seems like a golden wish. Who do i make excuses to for not wanting to attend school during monsoons? Telling my mother to let me sleep for 5 more minutes on those cozy rainy mornings is unrequired now. Buying those colorful raincoats seems unexciting and meaningless.

Monsoon is the time when sitting by the window and listening to your favorite playlist feels like the perfect ritual. Lazing around in bed comes second to that. Doing nothing but snacking on hot food along with a cuppa piping hot coffee at times like this seems like pure bliss.Like many others, i echo the feeling that rains make you feel special in unique ways. As much as i hate stepping out in the rains and wish for them to go away, deep inside the heart lies a secret desire to hold onto every moment of this time. To keep staring at the downpour as the days turn into months, months into years, till the day i grow old enough and lie down with the beauty of rains filled in my eyes and die with a child-like spirit.