Thursday 26 November 2015

Of priceless gifts and valuables!

As children, we all indulged ourselves by crafting various items out of cardboard, chart papers, gift wrappers and a lot of similar craft material. To make the final product more appealing, we would use pencil shavings, old pieces of cloth, foil paper, glitter etc, most of which were items that are considered to be waste. If one happens to think over it, those craft sessions were valuable life lessons which taught us that joy and happiness need not come at an expensive price.

A couple of days ago, I decided to make a birthday card for a friend. I was making a card after a long, long time. To be precise, I was making something like this for the first time after I outgrew schooling. I was not sure about how the card would turn out to be or whether my efforts would appreciated or not; but, I certainly knew that I had put in all my creative efforts into making this card and was not the least bit disappointed. I very well knew that purchasing a greeting card from a card store would be way more feasible in that, it would be way more attractive and appealing than the one I made and it would also end up saving me a lot of time. But wait, what is the whole point of calling someone a friend if he/she does not deserve any of my time and efforts? Giving something that fails to capture any of my essence was something I could not resonate with. Creation is the ultimate source of happiness and satisfaction. We humans, in the pursuit of happiness, forget that it is these very small joys of life that give us ultimate joy. Don't we also love it when we receive something thoughtful and well measured? Don't we appreciate all the love that goes into executing and creating something that we receive as a gift? As much as I loved creating something with my own hands, I also prefer possessing similar things that form a part of my valuables. I remember getting a hand-made card for my 18th birthday. I know I'm sounding like I have barely received any cards. But, this card remains special and I shall always keep talking about it. And it goes without saying that this card, which is way more artistic and appealing than the one I made, stands out in comparison to the bunch of those standard, ready-made cards that i possess in dozens. Sometimes it feels good to pass the gesture and help everyone experience the feeling of what it feels like being valued.

There are many such instances in life that impart a sense of fulfillment. A lot of these get imprinted in our memories for an eternity. Moments like indulging in long conversations and laughter over a cuppa coffee with a close mate are a boon to friendship. Letting go of your the umbrella to experience monsoon showers or playing in the muddy water just when you thought you were too big for it, gifts you the opportunity to be a child again. Sharing some downtime with your love when you crave pampering and want to feel special is a gift to the heart and soul. Laughing over all the embarrassing and 'oops' moments one faced during childhood is necessary to know that everybody is not born perfect and it is okay to laugh at oneself to sense one's mortality. Having your dog wake you up with its wet nose and showering you with kisses makes you grateful for the gift of life. Making spontaneous plans about an impending trip to your favorite place with the perfect set of people strengthens your belief that life is indeed worthwhile.

The tag of 'gift' is a very relative one. Many equate gifts and possessions with the physicality of an object. Just move a step beyond and admire all that you have that many consider as gift because they can only only dream of it. Try finding things that made you happy and things you still cherish. Life will surprise you with the long list of priceless gifts you form and the treasure you hoard. Because, everyone is not as fortunate as you are. 


  1. It's beautiful...concept of "gift" is really a relative one.
    something very touchy ...

  2. It's beautiful...concept of "gift" is really a relative one.
    something very touchy ...
