Wednesday 24 August 2016

A day out with my grandmother

From Amazon to Snapdeal, Jabong to Myntra, all the online shopping portals were checked off the list, while I was looking to buy a handbag. None of the bags available with these online retailers seemed very appealing; or at least, none of the bags came close to the kind of bag I was looking for. I was making a mental note of all the stores I could probably visit, in and around where I live, when my mother suggested that I take my grandmother along if and when I went. Having a seventy-nine year old grandmother who loves to live the good life, when it comes to attiring herself, and is someone who has a well-defined taste in ornamentation, having her come along and help me choose the right bag seemed like a plan, already. Also, the fact that my grandmother doesn't step out of the house very often made me look forward to the shopping trip all the more.

My grandmother was visiting a mall after too long a time-gap. The only time she had visited a mall, before, was seven years ago, outside India. While I was running from one corner to the other, checking out almost every bag that was available, my grandmother was happily counselling me on which bag stood out. Even though I was the shopper, quite evidently, the staff at the mall was more forthcoming every time my grandmother had any inputs or suggestions to give. We finally zeroed in on a black tote bag, after a long search. After finalising the purchase, my grandmother was eager to check out the women's footwear section, which was right next to the bag counter. And I happily agreed to check out one of the most popular attractions, among women, inside a shopping mall. Little did we know that a Sale board has never, in the history of mankind, failed anybody, leave alone us mortals.The outing with my grandmother soon turned into a shopping spree.

The clock had struck 2 p.m. After making an exit from the mall, I came up with a plan to watch a movie. Before my grandmother could reply, the plan was finalised. Holding hands, while slowly climbing the fleet of stairs leading to the main theatre, my grandma reminisced about the movie-going experience some twenty odd years ago, when she had watched her last movie in a theater. Maybe watching a movie was just a pretext under which I could share in the joy of watching her go down the memory lane and react to the social and cultural scenario that exist, today, and, maybe, also get an opportunity to see things from her perspective, be it just for a little while. The movie was a three-hour-long celebration of love, which ends in a tragedy. Such was the all-love-stories-do-not-have-a-happy-ending drama, that we were reeling for long after the movie was over.

Our journey back home witnessed high levels of contentment, because of the way the day had panned out. For the longest time, the black bag will serve to remind me of all the special moments I have spent with my grandmother. And also, it shall never fail to remind me that the elderly need not be restricted to just being advice givers and storytellers. They can be the most gentle and caring friends one could confide in, when the chips are down. A few years down the line, I shall look back, reminiscing about the times gone by, and revel in the pleasure and glory of being able to convince my grandmother to spend a day out with me.

Generational love

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