Monday 26 September 2016

Truth or Dare

Let me take a few seconds to explain what this game entails. I call this game a choice of the brave hearts. In my definition, a brave heart is someone who defies all odds through mental resistance. Today, I have decided to challenge myself to this game in which one has to make a choice between revealing the truth and performing a dare, every time one is at the receiving end of a question. And to make this experience more revelatory, I have decided to talk about the existing truth every time I choose a dare and, similarly, when I choose to speak the truth, I shall also take a dare that will hopefully add to showing me where I stand.

Here are some truths and dares I decided to brave...

Round 1
Choice: Truth

Q: What do you fear the most in life?
A: Regret. I fear living a life, looking back on which, ifs and should haves would have transcended all its barriers.

Dare:  Go out, now, and indulge yourself in any one thing that's been on your mind, but you let procrastination get the better of you.

Round 2
Choice: Dare

Dare: You just threw a chocolate wrapper and a bunch of used paper napkins on the ground. Go and apologize to the man, there, who is sweating it out to keep the streets clean.

Q: Have you ever disregarded or discriminated against someone who holds a lower status than you?
A: Yes. I have, a lot of times, intentionally and unintentionally, taken people with a not-so-strong background and position in the society, for granted.

Round 3
Choice: Truth

Q: What would you prefer: a) A zombie apocalypse or b) A world in which the purpose of a human life would be defeated by war and the evils of the human mind will intoxicate the world?
A: A zombie apocalypse

Dare: Pick up your phone. Scroll down your contact list and give a call to those whom you are no longer on talking terms with because of ego clashes, insecurity or whatsoever the area of conflict may be; but, in one corner of your heart, you wish to bury the hatchet and reconcile, and talk your differences out.

Round 4
Choice: Dare

Dare: Starting now, don't use any electronic devices for the next 24 hours.

Q: Do you agree that your digital life has, in more ways than one, intruded into your personal space and marred the relationships that have taken years to take the shape that they have?
A: Yes, my relationships have been affected, by the technological revolution, in a way that has altered the base of my relationships, inadvertently.

Round 5
Choice: Truth

Q: What, according to you, is the one thing that adds to the charm and worth of your life?
A: The ability to be unique and yet be able to relate to the finer nuances of the living race, at large.

Dare: Work toward creating a world in which all lives matter, equally. Make sure to start by simply heeding the unspoken pain and suffering of all those lives that cannot help themselves.

Revelations are like ceasefires that try every possibility of glorifying our individuality by staring in the face of life. Quite unlike what many of us would take this game of Truth or Dare to be, it is best aimed at inducing self-awareness as opposed to making one laugh his/her gut out while the game lasts.

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