Monday 22 January 2018

The Missing Outlook

I’m often left confused and grappling for an answer when I ask myself this rather thought-provoking question - Do I love something because I’m attached to it?If you follow Buddhist philosophy, then you would know that attachment and expectations are the root cause of pain and suffering. Parents, close friends and family and pets are the ones we rely upon for our happiness and fulfillment. One may have observed that he/she may take a random, instant liking towards someone without even knowing that person. And there cannot always be a reason attributed to that liking. In my daily life, there are a few things that I am always surrounded by. My mobile phone, laptop, handbag, clutch, bed and clothes are things that are difficult for me to part with. They may not necessarily be the most expensive or best looking things in the world, but I love them because they are mine. The difficulty in parting with them does not come from love as much as it comes from my attachment with them. Your pet pooch suddenly coming and biting you will cause a mental disturbance because you “expect” him/her to be disciplined and well-behaved. I wouldn't be as appalled if a stray animal happened to come and bite me. I would probably not go beyond commenting on the inherent nature and behaviour of animals in the latter case. Similarly, if a parent or a child or a close friend lapses in fulfilling his/her duties, can we not look at them all as humans, for once, and forgive their actions?

If there was one word that described me best, then that would be “rebel”. I have always coaxed myself into creating my own path and doing things the way I have envisioned them for myself. I have continuously developed my set of ideas and thoughts to achieve a mental equilibrium, or at least tried to do so. I believe there are a few learnings that have acted as a takeaway from this behaviour, which have just added to my perspective towards life. I have tried to sum those learnings up in some points.

Here goes the over-the-years-developed aggregation:

1) It’s okay to not know everything in this world. You’re a human and not a supernatural being. Those that try to belittle you by indulging in big talks are just nan insecure lot, who need attention. Forgive them.

2) Silence is golden. Trying to keep yourself occupied with conversations that are      not in accordance with who you are can be as good as committing a sin. Both  hold the same power to destroy you.

3) Acceptance of your weaknesses and failures are a sign of your real growth. Trying to move away from your shortcomings and failures just ends up distancing you from success.

4) You don't need money and power to influence people. People around you are always subconsciously registering your actions and behaviour. If you are performing your duties well and doing what you ought to then you are enough of a role model.
5) Living a life with lies is a disservice to your own self rather than to those around. Be selfish and act in your interest.

6) Doing something with consistency for long earns you more confidence and mental satisfaction than small successes or a one-time victory. 

7) Being quiet need not be classified as being less confident. For someone, whose work and actions have surpassed the average threshold of excellence, quietude is the best accessory to adorn.

8) Becoming rich does not bring an end to your problems. It’s just a shift in the complexities of your life. You need to look good, speak well, behave appropriately, maintain your status in the public eye and keep up the facade of being happy at all times.

9) Nature, birds and animals rightfully own this land as much as humans. We must be grateful to them for allowing us to mould their surroundings in a manner which actually has done more harm to them than good.

10) We are all intertwined and dependent on each other for our survival. Displaying arrogance and self-centeredness to stay true to your worth is making a fool of yourself. You're taking away from the credit that others are deserving of for helping you achieve everything that you have right from the time you were born. The air you breathe, the parental contribution to your arrival into this world, the contribution of all the people who have helped you along your journey to success, the love that you have received resulting in shaping you as a person, the friends that stuck around during your times of distress, a helping hand that acted as a stepping stone for your success story, the money spent on your upbringing and education contribute a very small portion to ever-increasing list of things that one must be grateful for.

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