Sunday 8 March 2020

Women of today

The word 'woman' can conjure up many an image. A mother being an inherent fixture in one's life, followed by sister, wife, daughter and friend, a woman's roles that have precede her identity for time immemorial. Maybe the world hasn't yet learnt to view women in isolation, simply as a significant half of the humankind, isolated from the strings of grace, hope, nourishment, love, desire and passion, among other nouns that are descriptive of some kind of a personal bond. Maybe, we are yet to learn to look at them as leaders, rulers, influencers, decision-makers, or rule-breakers, among other positions of power. Maybe, we just want to look at them in entirety, as a summation of the universe. Maybe, womanhood is a much more than a woman. It is a link that holds us together.

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