Monday 30 March 2015

Art and Life : Independent or Interdependent?

Ahh....This interrogative statement actually got me thinking. And why shouldn't it, with the changing scenario? Up until a few years ago, one could manage to say that it is art that imitates life. But no longer, in the larger scheme of things. Art, today, has indeed become quite impactful. Art holds its own credentials and value, devoid of any dependence. Infact, putting any value on art would be losing its sheen.                                                                          Art has and still is a reflection of our society. No two ways about it. It has only become global, with the homogenisation of world cultures. This fusion has become a culture in itself. A culture containing the pride and glory of its varied representatives. Our acceptance of foreign cultures have opened their doors for us. And we all see its result in the form of tolerance and respect, in diversity. Everything seen in the creative medium as art is a mirror to the society. Be it movies, that showcase social realities in a larger-than-life context and likewise, dance, song, music, literature and something abstract yet real like drawings and paintings, all these forms are inspired from the society and culture. As social animals, we are bound to play to the gallery. Our imagination stretches only within the realm of what is acceptable and what is not. We certainly cease to exist without a reality.                                   Trends, today, are changing and so are people's perspectives. Their perspectives are widening and stretching out in infinite directions; all thanks to the amalgamation of cultures and more importantly, our exposure to them at the various sub-levels. All this has somewhat reversed the pattern of proceedings. Art is being adapted into our existence, maybe partially, at this point in terms of its documentation. And fully, when it comes to actually practicing what we observe without realising the source of our actions.        Progress and growth after a point become predictable. They stimulate our minds to think progressively and strengthen our foresight. This is when art begins to inspire life. To give an example, when a movie like Avatar or a big budget sci-fi film is made, which bears a testimony to the range of human capabilities, we actually start viewing ourselves in a more refined and sophisticated manner. Art has, similarly, put us on a pedestal. Nature, which has been the biggest inspiration of art, has helped life evolve. All we are doing is modifying the nature according to our taste. Life still gets inspired by the art which once, was purely natural and all over the place. We are only getting inspired favorably, every minute of the day. But, most of us never wondered, as to, what inspired us all along. Talk about the different expressions of art and we are all moulded and shaped on the basis of what we observe. More appropriately, we are by-products of art. And thus, I can state that something which is as ancient as 5000 years old can still find its connections to this day. And it still manages to influence us. Although, we may refine them according to our present day requirements.                             On the whole, life and art, both are intertwined. And they influence each other in equal measure. But, there is no denying the fact that despite art being an extension of our imagination, life perhaps, would find no takers if there was no expression of art.

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