Monday 13 April 2015

Religion divides, humanity unites!

All the major religions in the world were born when man couldn't address larger problems and issues at hand. There was a point when man realized that despite seeming to have everything within his reach, there was something amiss. Something that was transcendent and beyond the control of man. All the questions man couldn't answer got attributed to God, which in turn gave rise to the concept of RELIGION. Man, thus realised, that he was no more than a puppet in this diverse creation of nature.
The purpose of religion, today, has changed 360 degrees. Religion is still existent but man has made religion the reason behind every course of his action. Even if that means taking away from the basic duties of humanity. This transition in the belief system occurred over a period of time, modifying the religions to suit the human requirements. And, as a result, the religions' original message and content have been liquidated. Religion had and still has the power to induce and evoke both fear and hatred. But, things only work when the equilibrium shifts more towards fear. Fear implies morality and control by avoiding indulgence in the concepts of superiority and super humans. Hatred, on the other hand leads to inducing fear in the minds of others through power. And power evokes godliness. In this context, power gives rise to evil and destruction.
Somehow, I have always felt, we are creating barriers for ourselves through differentiation. We are dehumanising existentialism on the grounds of varied practices, religion being one of them. Ask yourself this question: Aren't our duties and actions too heavily dependent on our religion? To hell with those self-created theories and concepts that only further contribute to the pursuits of the demonic cult. On the one hand, where religion is supposed to mend broken ties and help in treading the path of humanity, its misinterpretation has lead to serious damaging which in no way can be reversed. There is no one single religion which advocates injustice and takes pride in the destruction of the innocent. The fact of the matter is that we, as humans are liable to serve humanity, which is what everybody is sure to know. But, we seem to have completely lost the plot. We take the service of contribution and the act of kindness as our strengths and a way to have an upper hand over those in need. The motive of gaining adulation and respect is on top of the agenda. Everybody knows what the truth is; but, trying to be blinded by the religious misinterpretations seems to serve their vested interests. And any service done with expectations and ulterior interests only reeks of selfishness.
I shall reiterate once again that the core of every religion is humanity. Hinduism talks about the aspect of deeds and virtues mainly in the context of heaven and hell. Benevolence and love form the pillars of Christianity. Similarly, Judaism talks about absolute faith, discipline and morality. Coming to Islam, which believes in complete devotion and absolute submission to the almighty, its message has been completely misterpreted. Buddhism is a mirror to all that man can be and sets an example to achieve the highest degree of living through kindness and non-attachment. Likewise, the remaining faiths only go a step ahead to make the concept of humanity clearer, albiet, in different ways, if only we are willing to decode the true message of every religion. All the wars occurring in the world today have a religious backing. We are all divided and pitted against each other on the grounds of religion. How many of us even know the true message that our very own religion conveys, to be able to judge and breed contempt towards any other faith? This only goes on to showcase our poor mentality and narrow-mindedness. One must learn to be human first and accept humanity as his/her only true religion. We are only creating a larger gap or I should rather say, we are getting distanced from God Himself and entrapping ourselves in a place we keep making as non-real and far from being tolerable to God as possible by creating an environment that we are, only in the quest to get closer to him. We all bow down to one God and remember, He does not differentiate.

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