Monday 10 August 2015

Following the musical path....

After long hours of contemplation, after brainstorming ideas on three different subjects, i finally decided to zero in on writing about my affinity towards one of the purest forms of art, MUSIC. Listening to music is like feeding the soul. It always ensures that my peace of mind stays intact. Music to music lovers is like money to the poor. It is very sacred and precious. A day passsed without listening to music feels like something is amiss. I don't know if it's just the music lovers who feel this strongly about music or it is a common view; but, i can vouch for the fact that music makes life more beautiful.

Out of the 24 hours in a day, how much time do we keep aside to do what we genuinely love doing? How much time is actually spent doing something to distress ourselves? And let's not consider activities like driving, jogging, gymming etc if they are not optional. So, after striking off many activities that we may do because they are forced upon us or done to look cool or maybe, because we lack the availability of better options, we are barely left with a handful of activities or as many call them 'hobbies'. Out of the one or two hours that we may devote in a day to enjoy and relax oursleves, how many actvities do we actually indulge in that disconnect us from the stress of the real world? I would say, barely two or three. And music, is one of them. It may not be a part of our standard, basic requirements, but that does not take away from its strong influence on our mind and soul.

I, somehow, have developed this strange connect with music. I can wholly and solely bank on music to keep me company, anytime and anywhere. I can listen to music for endless hours and not get bored. That is quite something, given we have various other ways to distract ourselves. This is the kind of impact music has. For me, this insanity has developed over the years, which is now bordering on almost making me handicapped without music. So, out of curiosity, i just looked up the internet to understand if this could actually happen. And, i came across some astonishing facts, given as the effects of music, of which, some were difficult to comprehend. One of the many surprising things i learnt was that music helps secrete immune-boosting hormones by creating a positive and emotional environment which contributes to reducing the factors responsible for damaging the immune system. This fact has provided an added incentive to listen to music. Another interesting nugget i stumbled upon was that music can heavily influence your emotions. So much so, that a strong and commanding piece of music can make one violent and destructive, enough to bear severe repercussions. At the same time, a soft and soothing piece of music can have an equally calming effect on one's mind and soul. Infact, relaxing music is a remedy to improve the duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups.So, better choose your music carefully!

Overlooking its very few adverse effects, music has been known to create magical effects on schizophrenic patents and induced hope in many a depressed soul. I personally owe most of my extended imagination and visualisation to music, of which a lot would have remained uneplored had it not been for the world of rhythms,tunes and melodies. It's a different thing that at times i get transported to the dream world which sometimes makes me want to keep fantasising and not come back to the real world. But, so long as music makes me forget everything else while i have my headphones on, everything is justified.

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