Saturday 22 October 2016

It's a LoveFools affair!

With the head chef and the owner of The LoveFools Dinner Lab; Sarita Pereira.

On the first floor of Pereira House, which is located right opposite the grand Pali Village Café, is the newly opened The LoveFools Dinner Lab. This authentic dining space pays the perfect ode to the falling number of bungalows, carrying an old world charm, in the city. This joint's exclusive range of cuisines combined with its soothing décor make for the best ingredients for a perfect outing with a bunch of pals, a high-end corporate dinner or a cozy luncheon. The restaurant is very passionately referred to as ''a labour of love'' by Sarita Pereira, the owner and head chef of the eatery, who once worked as an advertising professional at a HR firm.

Food has always been seen as an extension of art, holding the power of celebrating various cultures through their traditional cuisines, by Sarita, who underwent rigorous training in food making under the tutelage of Nandu Jubany in Calldetenes, Spain. The LoveFools Dinner Lab was born out of Sarita's long-standing passion for all things culinary and her desire to go professional with this craft. Research and Development form the core concepts of this restaurant, which derives heavily from her need to literally provide an experience, that has an artistic pedigree to it, to all its visitors. Every meal is curated as per the preferences of those dining, while following a strict pattern of preparation.  The focus is as much on the finesse of the dish as it is on what goes into making it. Since an exclusive 8-course-meal is prepared based on the cuisine that is selected, be it a lavish Mediterranean spread or a typical Rajasthani fare, the bookings are taken a week prior to the day the reservation is made for.

The community table that seats 12-14 people at one time is the highlight of The LoveFools Dinner Lab. It is situated inside a cozy-looking cabin that is adorned with a wall with partially uncovered bricks, giving the cabin a very rustic charm. So elegant and cozy is the feel of the restaurant that one instantly gets tempted to make the place his/her home. The aesthetic appeal of this small dining joint is enough to lure food connoisseurs and people with a penchant for good living, alike, from all corners. One cannot miss noticing the window pane that finds a place exactly opposite the community table. A renowned Mumbai-based architect had been hired to oversee the task of bringing to life the restaurant that Sarita had envisioned. The head chef along with the sous chef, Swati Adhikari, have been very particular about the quality of the edible content that is served, and they believe in accurately weighing every bit of what is added to a serving. An example of their dedication toward their craft was palpable when they mentioned how they take 3 days to prepare caramelized onions, which must bear the perfect texture and retain authenticity in its taste.

Upon visiting this restaurant, you will be greeted by a book shelf that stocks an extensive range of books on food and the process of food-making. The restaurant also restores a little balcony that opens up to the hustle and bustle of Pali Naka, allowing one to take a drag or two and revel in the beauty of the location. What remains with you, long after you have left the place, is the experience that you have been treated to. Quite literally. You are assured of looking at food in a completely different manner, with your attitude toward food very willingly changing into that of a novice. I, for one, was hungover from the evening. Whether it was Hot Mozzarella, the highly palatable Bucol, the frozen popcorn or the oh-so-yummy Chocolate and Lemon ice-cream, every dish seemed hell-bent on making me burp all the way back home. I have been well fooled into loving The LoveFools Dinner Lab.

Picture credits: Aditi Deshpande

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