Saturday 19 November 2016

Confessions of a 23-year-old girl

Whoever thought that dying alone is an option is delusional.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, a confession is an act of admitting that you have done something wrong or illegal.
According to Oxford Dictionary, a confession is a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.
In the context of this write-up, I'm using the word 'confession' to celebrate the idiosyncrasies and  anomaly that prevail in the life of a 23-year-old.
I'm not exactly proud of all my confessions; nevertheless, they make me who I am.

1) Still figuring out what I want from life
Career in its place, love in its place, fun riots take their own place, there is often a moment of sudden realization about where I'm headed. I'm often torn between wanting to be reckoned as a professional on the one hand, and on the other hand, I dream about reaching the peak of spiritual enlightenment and being able to look back on life, 50 years from now, and think that I have done justice to all my duties as a human.

2) Want to be pampered as a child and treated as an adult
Children's Day just went by, and in one corner of my heart, I harbored hopes about celebrating the day amidst fanfare and being doted upon like a little girl. And just the day before that, I tried to convince my parents to let me take our car for a 2-day-long outstation trip and made them buy into the argument about how I was mature and responsible enough to be trusted with car.

3) It's quite early to get married
Marriage as an institution, especially if it is my own, sounds quite exciting and fulfilling as an experience. But, every once in a while, when the question of marriage pops up, my only reply is ''There is still some time for marriage. As of now, it's a little early.''

4) Mind over matter
One of the sure shot signs which signals that one has catapulted into the mature adult league is to know when to let the heart take precedence over the mind and vice-versa. I'm trying, albeit slowly, to make a proper distinction between when to follow the heart and when to let the mind rule supreme.

5) Happy being single
Dozens of people feel that a 23-year-old girl cannot be happy if she isn't committed or on the lookout for a probable match for herself. And guess what, this apparently makes my life absolutely boring and unproductive. Nevertheless, I seriously doubt that assumption.

6) I am still studying
Adding to the supposed misery of the previous claim, I'm still a student. Can things get any more unconventional? Let me say this, here; I'm not working and I'm a single woman, but my life is not all that bad and cringe-worthy.

7) I hate partying and I'm a teetotaler 
You heard that right. My idea of a perfect weekend is enjoying a cozy dinner with my set of people and indulging myself in the company of a novel.

8) I have a 24x7 playmate
My round-the-clock play buddy is my 8-year-old Golden Retriever; Lucky. Our play dates include sloppy kisses, playing fetch, cuddling, belly rubs and long drives.

9) Music makes my world go round
I shall always remain indebted to the person who invented music, for my life would have been grotesquely incomplete and lacked essence had I not been exposed to the musical world.

10) I'm on a permanent chocolate diet
Chocolate and I are like conjoined twins; you will never find us in isolation. And, if I had my way in life, I would officially add chocolate to the list of bare necessities for survival.

All I'm hoping, now, is for some of my confessions to find a permanent fixture in my life. Can you guess which ones are they?

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