Wednesday 31 May 2017

You thought you did someone a favor?

If you think you've done someone a favor which entitles you to have an upper hand over that someone, then think again. For all you know, you owe a great deal of gratitude and also apologies to this planet for allowing you to stay here and turn it into the junkyard that you have. And amidst a bunch of a whole lot of those that have wronged their land of survival, there's some equally righteous and wise individuals who reinstate your faith in humanity. So, if you thought there are people who've obliged you and helped you a great deal, then think again. What you may perceive as an act of support or kindness may be nothing more than a duty on someone's part.

For some reason it has become imperative for humans to validate their goodness and morality to the world outside. So much so that helping someone out has either become an act of retaliation or a deed performed with expectations. Be it a lover, nurturer, life-giver, companion, or a soulmate, human relationships have, with time, lost their essence and become more platonic. When I use the word   "platonic" I mean to intertwine the elements of condition and give-only-to-take, along with a superficial state of being. Have you ever carefully observed a mother pigeon? It gives the best lesson in performing one's duties in life without expecting anything in return. A pigeon, who looks very innocent and harmless, nurtures its eggs with ample care and warmth, and builds a shelter in the form of a nest to protect them. As soon as the eggs hatch, the mother pigeon ensures that it shields the squabs from any attackers, and at the same time it encourages them to be independent to take care of themselves in her absence. The reason why the mother pigeon encourages her young ones to become independent is that she knows that soon they will outgrow the nest and will fly away from her; and they wouldn't be able to survive if they remained under shadow. She doesn't have any expectations that her babies will come back to her, and despite that she continues to support them whole-heartedly right till the time they spread their wings into the sky.

Today, more often than not, one finds conditions every time he/she establishes a relationship or tries to define one. The word "duty" has always ranked at the top in the list of things that have been regarded as a human's prime focus but, from the looks of it, we seem to have redefined the term as per human convenience. And it weighs us down, morally and otherwise, keeping a track of all the times that somebody has shown gratitude to us. If one happens to think, then he/she would not be surprised to know that our lives are becoming increasingly automated. Every action is perfectly balanced by a calculated input of emotions and animation, while responding to a need or concern.

After a long time of experiencing unwarranted joy in doing what I then thought were favors, I've come to a conclusion. Taking pride in doing a favor would only mean allowing one's character to be deemed immature. We would exhaust the element of gratitude within us if we happen to measure our indebtedness to the world. Just imagine the price we will have to pay if the sun started asking for royalty, our planet started quoting astronomical amounts for renting out space, all the oceans decided to tax us, trees acted pricey for giving away oxygen and adding to the beauty among various other hidden prices that we have been exempted from. There's only one favor you can do to yourself, and that it to base your actions keeping in mind that you owe a great deal to the world. 

Sunday 21 May 2017

Emoji rank holders

In the world of Internet, which is abuzz and crowded with the presence of Google, mails, Facebook and YouTube, emojis (they are not just smileys) have seamlessly made their way on all the major messaging and social networking platforms. Be it professing earnest love for someone using a pumping heart, confirming your presence for a house party using  '👍', or telling someone that you're on the verge of retreating into the dream world with the help of '💤', enough emojis exist to express the Internet population's constantly changing state of mind.

For some, emojis may just be another feature that strives to enhance the experience of messaging but, in my opinion, emojis have left no stone unturned to indulge the users and lure them into a world of caricatures. We may consider emojis too insignificant to discuss them at length, and so, in an attempt to turn the spotlight on them and underscore their glory, I've come up with a list of 10 emojis that I love using the most, and have tried analyzing them.


Name: Heart-eyes
Popularity: 6 out of 10 users
Significance: To express happiness induced with wild love.
Frequency of misuse: Since this emoji contains hearts, there is a likelihood that some may get hopeful and misconstrue this for a sign of ambitious love. Nonetheless, this emoji is quite commonly used on group chats and has, so far, made for pleasant use.
Mostly used/viewed on: WhatsApp and Instagram


Name: Laughing with tears in eyes
Popularity: 9 out of 10 users
Significance: It is mostly used along with a funny message/statement, or while reacting to a joke or a hilarious WhatsApp Forward.
Frequency of misuse: Even though this emoji is used to express light-heartedness, if used on the wrong occasion or as a response to something said with sincerity, it can lead to doubtfulness over your character, although the frequency does not seem very high.
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger

Name: Pile of poo
Popularity: 4 out of 10 users
Significance: To express total dissatisfaction with a smile or convey playfulness.
Frequency of misuse: Since it is not as commonly used as many other emojis, and also because of its fun-loving appearance, it has very few chances of being misused. 
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp and Twitter


Name: Folding hands
Popularity: 6 out of 10 users
Significance: To convey gratitude and heartfelt regards
Frequency of misuse: The chances of misusing this emoji are almost nil.
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp  


Name: OK hand
Popularity: 7 out of 10 users
Significance: Are you too bored of typing a long message to show your agreement to a WhatsApp forward? Are you a meme lover who generally likes to comment on the ones that are hilarious? If
yes, then you must have certainly used this emoji to give your approval. 
    Frequency of misuse: There are way too many emojis out there to tamper with to misuse this
    innocuous hand gesture.
    Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp and Facebook Messanger

Name: Closed eyes
Popularity: 6 out of 10 users
Significance: If you've embarrassed someone, or if your secrets have been revealed, then you would want to use this emoji.  I'm sure. 
Frequency of misuse: This monkey of Gandhiji is too cute and honest to be mistaken for something gross unless one happens to use it along with a sensible statement, which dilutes the impact of the message.
Mostly used/seen on: Facebook, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp

 Name: Dancing lady
 Popularity: 7 out of 10 users 
 Significance: I don't think there is any better way to express craziness and excitement, both, when
 your plan for a weekend getaway with your close buddies has been approved by everyone than by
 indulging this woman in red.
 Frequency of misuse: To those who think their parents or their cultured 60-year-old uncle on his
 birthday could be the recipients of this emoji, you don't want to fall in their eyes.
 Mostly used/seen on: Facebook and WhatsApp


Name: Grimace-face
Popularity: 9 out of 10 users
Significance: This smiley is very relatable for it is akin to all the times that you've gritted your teeth with anger, or when situations have not been favorable. And when you can recreate that same expression while messaging, you can sit back and feel good about how at least a smiley acknowledges your feelings during times of distress.
Frequency of misuse: This, according to me, is, by far, the most misused emoji. How can one use it to convey plain denial or, for that matter, to express regards! Yes, I have seen many humans do that.
Mostly used/seen on: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp

Name: Beating Heart
Popularity: 10 out of 10 users
Significance: Who doesn't want to be loved! And when you see a visual of someone's heart beating for you, you're ought to feel special.
Frequency of misuse: Like it is commonly said, and rightly so, one heart can have many takers, and you want to ensure that you don't want those who are not deserving of it. 
Mostly used/seen on: Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp.                               

Name: Disappointed face
Popularity: 8 out of 10 users
Significance: To convey your displeasure or to show that you are let down in a cute way. 
Frequency of misuse: The chances of misrepresenting this emoji are very dim. Just look at that harmless face!
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp

The one very good thing that has happened with the advent of emojis is that it has introduced the concept of expression in the lives of those who may otherwise have never winked or sported an astonished or a ''rolling on the floor laughing'' face had it not been for these emojis. For now, let's acknowledge the ease and comfort that emojis and d SMS language hve brought abt in d world of messagin.


Tuesday 9 May 2017

Long live the Samsung bravado

 Apple: I hear you explode?
Samsung: It's okay to surprise after being in the market for almost 2 decades!
It's a Friday evening and I'm driving back home from a day's retreat in Lonavala. My handset has buzzed for the umpteenth time in the last three-and-a-half years, and I, with just the sound of my phone vibrating, get shaken up from my ecstasy-induced state as a result of the surprise finding of the AUX wire in the car, which ensured that music was just one touch away throughout the car journey. Literally. Parting with a phone seems akin to parting with a companion who has stood by you through thick and thin. And this day was supposed to mark the end of my alliance with Samsung Note 2, as I was going to be greeted by a supposedly more in vogue and swanky handset once I happened to reach home. An iPhone was now going to take the place of a new best friend, who was willing to see me through till I got another phone after it. How I wish even humans could offer this kind of companionship!

While I pen this post down, I steal frequent glances at my white Samsung Note 2, which has just been replaced by a matte black iPhone. And this reinstates my conviction about why I should dedicate a blog post to what is deserving of a tribute simply for the significance it has held in my life. And moreover, it will keep reminding me that I need not turn my back on an old mate just because of the arrival of a new one; and, in this case, it is an iPhone that I'm referring to, and many an iPhone user happen to believe that if you've used what is at the heart of the Apple family, one rarely goes back to using another phone. Like, okay! I'm assuming that this post will serve as a proof to the fact that my old mate was a victim of quite a few accidents, all thanks to my random dropping. Three years from now (I so look forward to growing at least three years older with my iPhone), I wish to continue reminiscing the sturdy (literally) moments of my phone, which include needlessly subjecting it to 15 hours of charging continuously during my long sleep hours, and surviving a fall from a height of 5 feet just after 2 days of getting it, while sending it into a state of isolation for a week among others.

The time was 9:54 p.m. I anxiously rang the doorbell and started to look around the passage till the door opened. And here I was with what would go down as my fourth handheld device! I plonked on the couch with the box containing my iPhone and unapologetically overlooked everything else and focused all my attention on the faultless packaging of the phone. My father, who had just returned from a three-week-long trip to the US had been conveniently ignored in the presence of all the goodies that surrounded me. Suddenly the 5.5 inch touchscreen display of my old handset looked enormous in front of my iPhone 7's dainty appearance. Literally. I say this without any exaggeration that I was consumed by its varied and unique-to-itself features, but my bond with my old device hadn't come to an end yet. I loved how my Samsung device, unlike its human counterparts, showed exemplary courage and strength of character, while getting a full view of me exploring my Apple device and somehow assuring me that it would always be available as a back-up companion during a crisis. I was surprised to know how its steadfastness made me less possessive about my capable-to-cause-a-hole-in-one's-pocket iPhone.

By the time this post gets published, my iPhone would've almost completed a week. And I'm sure my heart would bleed more with every passing day, when I see people around me using their iPhones carelessly, while I try my best to ensure that mine doesn't meet the same fate as my Samsung Note 2 in its first week, which, in my knowledge, would make me an accused in the eyes of many. And also, I seriously do not want to feign bravery with my iPhone around as I'm not sure if it would be able to sustain any hardships the way my Samsung Note 2 did. It is no surprise then that silent warriors create a legacy of their own, which is second to none.