Sunday 21 May 2017

Emoji rank holders

In the world of Internet, which is abuzz and crowded with the presence of Google, mails, Facebook and YouTube, emojis (they are not just smileys) have seamlessly made their way on all the major messaging and social networking platforms. Be it professing earnest love for someone using a pumping heart, confirming your presence for a house party using  '👍', or telling someone that you're on the verge of retreating into the dream world with the help of '💤', enough emojis exist to express the Internet population's constantly changing state of mind.

For some, emojis may just be another feature that strives to enhance the experience of messaging but, in my opinion, emojis have left no stone unturned to indulge the users and lure them into a world of caricatures. We may consider emojis too insignificant to discuss them at length, and so, in an attempt to turn the spotlight on them and underscore their glory, I've come up with a list of 10 emojis that I love using the most, and have tried analyzing them.


Name: Heart-eyes
Popularity: 6 out of 10 users
Significance: To express happiness induced with wild love.
Frequency of misuse: Since this emoji contains hearts, there is a likelihood that some may get hopeful and misconstrue this for a sign of ambitious love. Nonetheless, this emoji is quite commonly used on group chats and has, so far, made for pleasant use.
Mostly used/viewed on: WhatsApp and Instagram


Name: Laughing with tears in eyes
Popularity: 9 out of 10 users
Significance: It is mostly used along with a funny message/statement, or while reacting to a joke or a hilarious WhatsApp Forward.
Frequency of misuse: Even though this emoji is used to express light-heartedness, if used on the wrong occasion or as a response to something said with sincerity, it can lead to doubtfulness over your character, although the frequency does not seem very high.
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger

Name: Pile of poo
Popularity: 4 out of 10 users
Significance: To express total dissatisfaction with a smile or convey playfulness.
Frequency of misuse: Since it is not as commonly used as many other emojis, and also because of its fun-loving appearance, it has very few chances of being misused. 
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp and Twitter


Name: Folding hands
Popularity: 6 out of 10 users
Significance: To convey gratitude and heartfelt regards
Frequency of misuse: The chances of misusing this emoji are almost nil.
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp  


Name: OK hand
Popularity: 7 out of 10 users
Significance: Are you too bored of typing a long message to show your agreement to a WhatsApp forward? Are you a meme lover who generally likes to comment on the ones that are hilarious? If
yes, then you must have certainly used this emoji to give your approval. 
    Frequency of misuse: There are way too many emojis out there to tamper with to misuse this
    innocuous hand gesture.
    Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp and Facebook Messanger

Name: Closed eyes
Popularity: 6 out of 10 users
Significance: If you've embarrassed someone, or if your secrets have been revealed, then you would want to use this emoji.  I'm sure. 
Frequency of misuse: This monkey of Gandhiji is too cute and honest to be mistaken for something gross unless one happens to use it along with a sensible statement, which dilutes the impact of the message.
Mostly used/seen on: Facebook, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp

 Name: Dancing lady
 Popularity: 7 out of 10 users 
 Significance: I don't think there is any better way to express craziness and excitement, both, when
 your plan for a weekend getaway with your close buddies has been approved by everyone than by
 indulging this woman in red.
 Frequency of misuse: To those who think their parents or their cultured 60-year-old uncle on his
 birthday could be the recipients of this emoji, you don't want to fall in their eyes.
 Mostly used/seen on: Facebook and WhatsApp


Name: Grimace-face
Popularity: 9 out of 10 users
Significance: This smiley is very relatable for it is akin to all the times that you've gritted your teeth with anger, or when situations have not been favorable. And when you can recreate that same expression while messaging, you can sit back and feel good about how at least a smiley acknowledges your feelings during times of distress.
Frequency of misuse: This, according to me, is, by far, the most misused emoji. How can one use it to convey plain denial or, for that matter, to express regards! Yes, I have seen many humans do that.
Mostly used/seen on: Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp

Name: Beating Heart
Popularity: 10 out of 10 users
Significance: Who doesn't want to be loved! And when you see a visual of someone's heart beating for you, you're ought to feel special.
Frequency of misuse: Like it is commonly said, and rightly so, one heart can have many takers, and you want to ensure that you don't want those who are not deserving of it. 
Mostly used/seen on: Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp.                               

Name: Disappointed face
Popularity: 8 out of 10 users
Significance: To convey your displeasure or to show that you are let down in a cute way. 
Frequency of misuse: The chances of misrepresenting this emoji are very dim. Just look at that harmless face!
Mostly used/seen on: WhatsApp

The one very good thing that has happened with the advent of emojis is that it has introduced the concept of expression in the lives of those who may otherwise have never winked or sported an astonished or a ''rolling on the floor laughing'' face had it not been for these emojis. For now, let's acknowledge the ease and comfort that emojis and d SMS language hve brought abt in d world of messagin.


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