Tuesday 9 May 2017

Long live the Samsung bravado

 Apple: I hear you explode?
Samsung: It's okay to surprise after being in the market for almost 2 decades!
It's a Friday evening and I'm driving back home from a day's retreat in Lonavala. My handset has buzzed for the umpteenth time in the last three-and-a-half years, and I, with just the sound of my phone vibrating, get shaken up from my ecstasy-induced state as a result of the surprise finding of the AUX wire in the car, which ensured that music was just one touch away throughout the car journey. Literally. Parting with a phone seems akin to parting with a companion who has stood by you through thick and thin. And this day was supposed to mark the end of my alliance with Samsung Note 2, as I was going to be greeted by a supposedly more in vogue and swanky handset once I happened to reach home. An iPhone was now going to take the place of a new best friend, who was willing to see me through till I got another phone after it. How I wish even humans could offer this kind of companionship!

While I pen this post down, I steal frequent glances at my white Samsung Note 2, which has just been replaced by a matte black iPhone. And this reinstates my conviction about why I should dedicate a blog post to what is deserving of a tribute simply for the significance it has held in my life. And moreover, it will keep reminding me that I need not turn my back on an old mate just because of the arrival of a new one; and, in this case, it is an iPhone that I'm referring to, and many an iPhone user happen to believe that if you've used what is at the heart of the Apple family, one rarely goes back to using another phone. Like, okay! I'm assuming that this post will serve as a proof to the fact that my old mate was a victim of quite a few accidents, all thanks to my random dropping. Three years from now (I so look forward to growing at least three years older with my iPhone), I wish to continue reminiscing the sturdy (literally) moments of my phone, which include needlessly subjecting it to 15 hours of charging continuously during my long sleep hours, and surviving a fall from a height of 5 feet just after 2 days of getting it, while sending it into a state of isolation for a week among others.

The time was 9:54 p.m. I anxiously rang the doorbell and started to look around the passage till the door opened. And here I was with what would go down as my fourth handheld device! I plonked on the couch with the box containing my iPhone and unapologetically overlooked everything else and focused all my attention on the faultless packaging of the phone. My father, who had just returned from a three-week-long trip to the US had been conveniently ignored in the presence of all the goodies that surrounded me. Suddenly the 5.5 inch touchscreen display of my old handset looked enormous in front of my iPhone 7's dainty appearance. Literally. I say this without any exaggeration that I was consumed by its varied and unique-to-itself features, but my bond with my old device hadn't come to an end yet. I loved how my Samsung device, unlike its human counterparts, showed exemplary courage and strength of character, while getting a full view of me exploring my Apple device and somehow assuring me that it would always be available as a back-up companion during a crisis. I was surprised to know how its steadfastness made me less possessive about my capable-to-cause-a-hole-in-one's-pocket iPhone.

By the time this post gets published, my iPhone would've almost completed a week. And I'm sure my heart would bleed more with every passing day, when I see people around me using their iPhones carelessly, while I try my best to ensure that mine doesn't meet the same fate as my Samsung Note 2 in its first week, which, in my knowledge, would make me an accused in the eyes of many. And also, I seriously do not want to feign bravery with my iPhone around as I'm not sure if it would be able to sustain any hardships the way my Samsung Note 2 did. It is no surprise then that silent warriors create a legacy of their own, which is second to none.

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