Tuesday 1 August 2017

Roses are red

Stealing shy glances, holding hands and promising to stand by each other's side till the end of eternity, or blowing the steaming hot porridge, incessantly, before gently pouring it in the other's mouth, while comfortable adjusting your sight to see that special someone carry out the most mundane chores and go about the daily activities are actions that certainly speak louder than words. And if this wasn't enough, then don't forget all the times you saved up those pennies to be able to buy a muffin from that high-end patisserie just to see the smile of disbelief on the face of the one you love. And what about all the jitters you experience when you see a message from that heart-stealer for which you were staring at your screen all day?

Love is indeed one of the most beautiful expressions mankind has ever known, and probably the most intense and glorious discovery that has been made, so far, as we continue to discover more facets to love along the journey of knowing someone better. Some may classify love as weakness, infatuation, intimacy, affection or soft spot, while some may classify it as passion, enthusiasm, taste or penchant. The feeling of looking into someone's eyes and finding everything you ever needed is akin to the most divine of experiences. Despite a ton of intense discussions and stories having caught widespread attention all thanks to the razzmatazz of love, there seems to be a never ending quest for exploring more aspects to this some-people-are-in-it-for-sex and almost surreal wonder of life.

It is unfair to call someone perverted if he/she proclaims to love physical indulgences with that special someone. But it is purely advantageous and horny when one views love purely as a mechanism to bond physically. Physical intimacy can never fill the void that is created in the absence of emotions. It then becomes a pure case of fulfilling one of the basic human necessities after food, shelter and clothing without which one can hardly function. It becomes a demand, which thrives on self-interest. I wonder if I'm the only one who finds the veil around sex, in the form of hushed whispers and considering it to be a taboo, overrated. There is certainly no need to hide something that is a result of the union of two souls who love one another. Where emotions are running high and the mental connect between two people is perfectly in sync, the need to bond physically comes as a by-product of what is ''organic'' love. The need to make it a vice arises when sex without love, which then becomes a business of prostitution, is witnessed. I've always thought quite positively about love at first sight. And to all those who say that an eye-contact cannot justify the claim of true love, an appearance is quite enough to unravel the mystery surrounding the person's externality. And the love stories which have literally begun with a glance, and have successfully catapulted into a lifetime of togetherness are proof of that one cannot evade the magnetism of love. So, to all the naysayers, infidelity is the result of lack of love and not the cause of instantaneous love.

The whole idea behind penning down something like Roses are red was to emphasize that there may be many occasions when one feels the urge to look outside of a relationship, be it for love or to satisfy his/her sexual urges. And in no way do I wish to opine that doing something like this is right or wrong. There are times when one is left with no option but to forcefully take a step behind and act in his/her self-interest, especially when all the tries to revive a relationship have gone in vain. But again, the real deal, here, is to realize how commonplace it has become to replace a partner, today. Have we run out of patience or tolerance to deal with difficulties? Or do we no more have the strength of character to remain loyal even when things are hunky dory? And this brings me to the ultimate question - Is it even love if you cannot stand the test of time? And do not forget, just like how roses are red, the grass always appears greener on the other side; and it may not be worth it to move across just to realize that the ground you've lost was indeed better. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

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