Wednesday 12 July 2023

Growing Up

One of the biggest forces of life is the process of aging and evolution. It is this cycle of life, from birth to death, infancy to old age and childhood to adulthood, that breathes hope into the very existence of mankind. However, despite knowing there is going to be an end to our journey on earth, we view death as an evil that is not meant to be. Well, that is something many of us, mere mortals, do.

I was talking to a close friend today, whose father is in a serious condition, as he battles a low heart rate. I have known my friend for almost ten years, since we were started our bachelor's programme, and watching her and her family navigate this turmoil seems almost personal. That is the power of close bonds and friendships, right? You grow to know someone so well, that eventually they, and everything related to them, become a part of your life and core reference group. As your lives start getting more intertwined, every conversation or bonding session starts having multiple touchpoints

I'm two months short of my 30th birthday. If you think approaching the big thirty is already giving me jitters, then you are not completely wrong. I'm thrilled about entering a new decade of life and exploring what comes with it, but what's unnerving is knowing that I have reached an age where a lot of people in my age group have started losing a parent. Now that is something which catalyses the journey of growing up for me. I believe one grows up in many respects, after experiencing the loss of a parent, especially when the loss is a premature one.

Without further analyzing the lows of turning older, I would like to look at the one big gain of growing up - wisdom. After contemplating the impact of a personal loss for quite some time, I have made peace with the knowledge that real pain does not really lie in life or death, but in suffering. Knowing that we are all destined for an end someday, as long as people get to make a peaceful departure from the worldly throes, I think I can manage to keep looking young irrespective of what age I'm at.

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