Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Indian makeover

India, of late, has undergone a makeover. In other words, westernization has started taking place at the grassroots. It may not have completely taken over, but it is surely getting there. Those days are not far when we shall see India on par with its western counterparts in all respects. Maybe, 2020? No, I think, a complete transformation by 2020 only spells OPTIMISM. Okay, let's be a little modest! How about 2030? Hmmmm..... It still sounds a little dicey, doesn't it? Then, how about 2050? This surely seems like a safe bet.                      We all have our hopes pinned on the coming years for India. And infact, we are very positive about these numbers. So be it 2020; 2030 or 2050, a change is inevitable. We all obsess about a westernized India, but what exactly does westernization do? The term westernization seems very typical to the Indian culture. For many, it is a process of modernisation and integration of the western culture. Not overlooking the obvious changes that tag along, as the word suggests, westernization has catapulted India into a renowned economy and put India on the world map. The term does not just restrict itself to higher standards of living, but also brings about a great deal of social change which mainly entails abolition of evil practices like serfdom or slavery. Laborers are no more reduced to sub - human standards. Technology advancement and upgradation that have made people more   conscious and aware about their surroundings have also largely contributed to the process of westernization. Mobiles and television have been major contributors in this change. Roads, safety, infrastructure, environment, health and sanitation among others have also majorly contributed to this process.                                                                                                    With this welcome change, came many cons and perils. This process interfered with the lifestyle of common people. The lives of most of the people underwent a 360 degree change. Many people cannot afford or do not have the access to this culture - degrading lifestyle. But most of us are fortunate enough to avail ourselves of the basic technology. Although, in the quest of higher standards of living, cultural, social and environmental aspects have been largely compromised upon. This kind of neglect can cost us dearly in the long run.                                                                                                                                                   Westernization may have taken India 20 years forward in terms of the lives we are currently leading, but, the rate at which it is making inroads into our lives by making irreversible compromises, i fear, we might move 40 years back with this westernization - storm. But, this does not seem likely in the distant future. For the time being, till the Indians don't completely tire of manufacturing the latest technology, building good infrastructure, world class health and education facilities, eradicating poverty and illiteracy and being on par with its American counterpart, there is no stopping them. After all, the most important and in - demand man currently in India has promised to make India have the Americans queue up for an Indian visa in a few years' time. Indians surely have some serious task up their sleeves, but, with this promise, half the battle almost seems won. And the rest half is sure to create history.

Monday 22 December 2014

Are women actually safe?

This is the one question that haunts every Indian woman irrespective of who she is and where she comes from. Yes. Whether she is rich, poor, famous, literate, illiterate or a 21st century modern, independent Indian woman. And rightly so, when the political, economic and social conditions don't seem to be favorable and conducive enough for the safety of our women. The rate at which the crimes against women are increasing is flabbergasting. It has sort of made India a home ground for crimes against women. This growth spurt in the number of crimes is something one must have never heard of or seen before. Be it rapes, female foeticide and infanticide, acid attacks, dowry deaths, domestic violence or the frequent cases of molestation and harassment against women - the male ego and power have betrayed the entire purpose of womanhood. So much so that women are grappling with their identity and sense of being.                                                                                                       Women are and have always been soft targets. But the real question here is: how long will this continue? It's time for men to no longer have a desire for ascendancy. They need to wake up to the truth and move on. Women are moving on. Upwards and onwards to a life of grit and determination; to not let the men and society downgrade them. And it's also time we acknowledge their presence and contribution in our lives in the right spirit. And the only way to bring about a change is by giving the same amount of rights to women as men. By making India safe for our women, we would not only be protecting them physically but also empowering and preparing them for a bigger battle. And the battle is to revolutionize our nation. After all, women constitute 50% of our voters.                                                                     Women have always, since time immemorial, formed an integral part of our family. It's a woman who binds the family together and makes a home out of a house. Above all, they are the ones who have brought us into this world and nurtured us ever since. This also implies to all those wrong-doers in our society who often forget that they have been bred around various women and even later they will assume the responsibility of their wives and daughters. The worst part is that some of them indulge in these heinous acts despite assuming responsibility of a family. They often forget that those women are also someone's wife, mother, daughter and sister. These men may harm them physically to prove their superiority. But the fact of the matter is they are loading a woman with fury and anger to vent back.                                                                                                                                      The angst and fury of this woman are just in no case only related to the harm they have done to her physical, emotional and mental state of being. It goes far beyond. Of bringing shame and sorrow in the lives of those related to her. Of rendering those dependent on her, helpless. Of the sorry state of her family. And this fury comes with much more force and gusto. It is just not like that, when we say - when you educate a man, you are educating just the man himself but when you educate a woman, knowingly or unknowingly, you are educating an entire family.

Friday 12 December 2014

Media Junkies

Media, as a medium has become too commonplace today. It is difficult to find a place which lacks any kind of connection with the outer world through the use of media. Infact, most of us today, become handicapped at the mere thought of not having access to the virtual world.Be it print media or electronic media, our lives are becoming increasingly dependent on media to not only keep abreast of all the happenings around the world, but it is also a means to switch off from the real world. Like, there are always two sides to a coin, the use of media, similarly, brings along its own share of pros and cons.                                                                                                                                                          Today, this use is bordering on addiction. And this addiction has got more to do with media's far and wide reach and its growing user-base. In addition, it helps us connect to those long-lost buddies and extended family circle. Now, half of the usage today, falls under the purview of Internet. But, there is no denying the underlying power and impact of media, in general. Television, Internet, newspaper, magazines, etc. are some of the things that all of us are sitting in the midst of. Infact, it would be apt to say that media has revolutionized the world in more ways than possible.                                                                                                       Among the good aspects of the use of media, today, we have information at out fingertips. We have the luxury of being able to keep in constant touch with our friends and dear ones. And not to forget, it brings the world closer. And the world has indeed become smaller. Believe me. Becoming media - savvy would top the list of cons. As we say, too much of anything is bad, I wouldn't be wrong in saying that the virtual world is taking over the real world. People prefer staying virtually active than being actually involved in the on-goings and scenario of the real world. Most of us are becoming socially inept, if I may say so. Misuse of Internet is also very rampant. The use of social networking websites does more harm than good by exploiting young minds. So much, that cyber crime is fast becoming one of the major causes of concern among people across all age groups.                               In addition to all of this and more, I sit to think and question myself, as to what will the coming generations be like? I assume, we shall see nano-babies being born with I - phones in their hands. Or better still, we shall see fetus' mulling over which phone would make a better buy than the I - phone when they are born. As I say, let's just wait and watch!

Saturday 6 December 2014

Sexy Vs Beautiful

"Sexy" is a term which is used so commonly today, that it is almost replaced with words like 'beautiful' and 'pretty'. I wonder, how can this possibility even arise when both the words 'sexy' and 'beautiful' sound almost like a pair of oxymorons. Really! How would you react to something like 'sexily beautiful' or 'beauty is sexiness personified'? A word like 'sexy', when usually associated with a woman implies direct or indirect derogation towards a woman's character. Okay, let's put it this way - when people compliment a woman for looking good, and this woman can be anybody, maybe someone closely or loosely-related to you, passing such a remark may not reflect positively on one's character. More so, if we are addressing a woman with this term. This is an indication relating to one's sexual appeal or sexual attractiveness. This is making a woman, in your perception, an object of lust or desire.             It seems like real beauty is losing its desirability and charm. Most people prefer being called sexy over beautiful. There were instances when women were complimented for looking beautiful. There were instances when women were complimented for looking beautiful, which imposed a certain amount of respect, love and kindness towards them. These are the words which most women are deserving of, to be associated with. Replacing them with inappropriate words, somewhere, hardly leaves any scope for respect and love. If this were to be just a matter of words, it would have hardly proven to be a point of discussion. Then, it becomes essential to consider one important question: 'Do we actually mean it' or 'are we generalising the term 'sexy'?'                                                                               It's high time women get their due share of respect, dignity, love, and glorification, even if that is by using appropriate words, for starters. I'm sure that a change in actions can also lead to a definite change in thoughts, if we consider it to be true the other way round.            All a woman needs is a little bit of love, care, and respect. And if this is asking for too much, then just think of the situation that may arise 20 years hence - when there will be no clear demarcation between women and whores. And i'm just restricting the use to our thoughts. Think!