Wednesday 31 December 2014

The Indian makeover

India, of late, has undergone a makeover. In other words, westernization has started taking place at the grassroots. It may not have completely taken over, but it is surely getting there. Those days are not far when we shall see India on par with its western counterparts in all respects. Maybe, 2020? No, I think, a complete transformation by 2020 only spells OPTIMISM. Okay, let's be a little modest! How about 2030? Hmmmm..... It still sounds a little dicey, doesn't it? Then, how about 2050? This surely seems like a safe bet.                      We all have our hopes pinned on the coming years for India. And infact, we are very positive about these numbers. So be it 2020; 2030 or 2050, a change is inevitable. We all obsess about a westernized India, but what exactly does westernization do? The term westernization seems very typical to the Indian culture. For many, it is a process of modernisation and integration of the western culture. Not overlooking the obvious changes that tag along, as the word suggests, westernization has catapulted India into a renowned economy and put India on the world map. The term does not just restrict itself to higher standards of living, but also brings about a great deal of social change which mainly entails abolition of evil practices like serfdom or slavery. Laborers are no more reduced to sub - human standards. Technology advancement and upgradation that have made people more   conscious and aware about their surroundings have also largely contributed to the process of westernization. Mobiles and television have been major contributors in this change. Roads, safety, infrastructure, environment, health and sanitation among others have also majorly contributed to this process.                                                                                                    With this welcome change, came many cons and perils. This process interfered with the lifestyle of common people. The lives of most of the people underwent a 360 degree change. Many people cannot afford or do not have the access to this culture - degrading lifestyle. But most of us are fortunate enough to avail ourselves of the basic technology. Although, in the quest of higher standards of living, cultural, social and environmental aspects have been largely compromised upon. This kind of neglect can cost us dearly in the long run.                                                                                                                                                   Westernization may have taken India 20 years forward in terms of the lives we are currently leading, but, the rate at which it is making inroads into our lives by making irreversible compromises, i fear, we might move 40 years back with this westernization - storm. But, this does not seem likely in the distant future. For the time being, till the Indians don't completely tire of manufacturing the latest technology, building good infrastructure, world class health and education facilities, eradicating poverty and illiteracy and being on par with its American counterpart, there is no stopping them. After all, the most important and in - demand man currently in India has promised to make India have the Americans queue up for an Indian visa in a few years' time. Indians surely have some serious task up their sleeves, but, with this promise, half the battle almost seems won. And the rest half is sure to create history.

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