Friday 12 December 2014

Media Junkies

Media, as a medium has become too commonplace today. It is difficult to find a place which lacks any kind of connection with the outer world through the use of media. Infact, most of us today, become handicapped at the mere thought of not having access to the virtual world.Be it print media or electronic media, our lives are becoming increasingly dependent on media to not only keep abreast of all the happenings around the world, but it is also a means to switch off from the real world. Like, there are always two sides to a coin, the use of media, similarly, brings along its own share of pros and cons.                                                                                                                                                          Today, this use is bordering on addiction. And this addiction has got more to do with media's far and wide reach and its growing user-base. In addition, it helps us connect to those long-lost buddies and extended family circle. Now, half of the usage today, falls under the purview of Internet. But, there is no denying the underlying power and impact of media, in general. Television, Internet, newspaper, magazines, etc. are some of the things that all of us are sitting in the midst of. Infact, it would be apt to say that media has revolutionized the world in more ways than possible.                                                                                                       Among the good aspects of the use of media, today, we have information at out fingertips. We have the luxury of being able to keep in constant touch with our friends and dear ones. And not to forget, it brings the world closer. And the world has indeed become smaller. Believe me. Becoming media - savvy would top the list of cons. As we say, too much of anything is bad, I wouldn't be wrong in saying that the virtual world is taking over the real world. People prefer staying virtually active than being actually involved in the on-goings and scenario of the real world. Most of us are becoming socially inept, if I may say so. Misuse of Internet is also very rampant. The use of social networking websites does more harm than good by exploiting young minds. So much, that cyber crime is fast becoming one of the major causes of concern among people across all age groups.                               In addition to all of this and more, I sit to think and question myself, as to what will the coming generations be like? I assume, we shall see nano-babies being born with I - phones in their hands. Or better still, we shall see fetus' mulling over which phone would make a better buy than the I - phone when they are born. As I say, let's just wait and watch!

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