Saturday 6 December 2014

Sexy Vs Beautiful

"Sexy" is a term which is used so commonly today, that it is almost replaced with words like 'beautiful' and 'pretty'. I wonder, how can this possibility even arise when both the words 'sexy' and 'beautiful' sound almost like a pair of oxymorons. Really! How would you react to something like 'sexily beautiful' or 'beauty is sexiness personified'? A word like 'sexy', when usually associated with a woman implies direct or indirect derogation towards a woman's character. Okay, let's put it this way - when people compliment a woman for looking good, and this woman can be anybody, maybe someone closely or loosely-related to you, passing such a remark may not reflect positively on one's character. More so, if we are addressing a woman with this term. This is an indication relating to one's sexual appeal or sexual attractiveness. This is making a woman, in your perception, an object of lust or desire.             It seems like real beauty is losing its desirability and charm. Most people prefer being called sexy over beautiful. There were instances when women were complimented for looking beautiful. There were instances when women were complimented for looking beautiful, which imposed a certain amount of respect, love and kindness towards them. These are the words which most women are deserving of, to be associated with. Replacing them with inappropriate words, somewhere, hardly leaves any scope for respect and love. If this were to be just a matter of words, it would have hardly proven to be a point of discussion. Then, it becomes essential to consider one important question: 'Do we actually mean it' or 'are we generalising the term 'sexy'?'                                                                               It's high time women get their due share of respect, dignity, love, and glorification, even if that is by using appropriate words, for starters. I'm sure that a change in actions can also lead to a definite change in thoughts, if we consider it to be true the other way round.            All a woman needs is a little bit of love, care, and respect. And if this is asking for too much, then just think of the situation that may arise 20 years hence - when there will be no clear demarcation between women and whores. And i'm just restricting the use to our thoughts. Think!

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