Sunday 6 December 2020

To my future children

Dear child,

I have never seen you and I don't know where you live, or if you even have any form yet, but it’s 2020 in the world I exist in. I don’t know what the circumstances and the condition of the world be like when you read this, given the rapidly changing global scenario and how the coronavirus pandemic has changed things the world over, but there are a few things I would always want you to know, whether or not I’m around to remind you about them.

Here is a list of some things I would love for you to read, when you think that the world is a cold and harsh place, devoid of pure love.

- You have given me hope way before you were born. You are my constant motivation to strive to make a difference in the world, so that you don’t fall short of inspiration to do the same.

- Just so that you don’t forget how special you are, my parents, and your grandparents, already talk about what you are going to be like, and how they wish to be around to watch you grow up. For some reason, you are already a star in their eyes. Like me, I hope your life becomes enriched with their values and rootedness.

- If my actions fall short, then please hold this as a testimony to the fact that you will find your  biggest cheerleader, admirer and best friend in me.

- Strive to be well-educated over being well-qualified. While your qualification will give you knowledge and a direction to your career, your education will give you wisdom and a direction to your life.

- If, at any point in your life, you find yourself to find a purpose in your life, try and reconnect with your past and where you come from. You would be amazed to know how far you have come.

- Be your own person. Don’t let anyone convince you that you are not enough. It is better to fail while trying to find your own identity, than to ace at being someone you are not.

- As I write this, I have no idea what you are going to turn out to be, or how life treats you, but it doesn’t change the fact that you are here with a purpose. You will matter when it matters the most.

- By the time you get around to understanding why I have written this, a lot of things would have changed. I’d be much older, and I’d have matured by a few decades. If there are times when I let you down or fail to live up to your expectations, then please let it go, like how I did when you were little.

- The world will not always make sense, and it was never supposed to make sense. What really matters is that you don’t give up on your loved ones through challenging times, because, at the end of the day, when the leaves of life start falling, love and faith are the only things which will see you through.

- People talk about success and money being major life goals. Don’t buy into all that. Strive to become a good human being. Money will get you the material goods, but it is your values and the relationships you have, that truly make you rich. And about success, you are already one as long as you stay true to yourself and to those close to you.

- Growing up, my life was blessed with the presence of a special friend, my golden retriever Lucky. He continues to reserve a special place in my heart, and I’m proud that he could influence my life with his selflessness, innocence and overarching love. I hope knowing this helps you bear with my regular mentions of Lucky.                                                                                                                                                                  Lastly, I want to let you know you will always continue to be a big part of why I dream. And if ever you feel the need to be reminded about how powerful you are, then you can find my entire existence waiting to prove it to you. Until we are united, I hope you know you are meant to be with me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Your biggest fan,                                                                                                              Momma




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