Wednesday 2 December 2020

What Is Really Uncertain?

2020 has been rather uncertain. That’s overheard now, isn’t it? Be it staying home for long periods of time (I’d rather not use the word “quarantine” anymore), trying to ‘rebuild’ my life, as if someone were reassembling the blocks of a dismantled Lego house, or simply witnessing the war the entire world is collectively waging against COVID-19, holding onto the constants was one way to ensure some stability going into the “new normal”.

I, for one, love my routine and predictability, even if it seems boring at times. I returned to India in the last week of February, with a dozen plans on how to further my career, after an academic stint in London. After what I would call a glorious end to a year of living my dream, with a backpacking trip across Europe, I was back in Mumbai amidst a growing number of coronavirus cases and talks of a complete lockdown. 

Four nationwide lockdowns later, all I did was laugh out of helplessness, as I watched life unfold its plans for the world at large. At a time when nearly 7.8 billion people are riding the wave of disruption, so much so that finding employment is a challenge that looms large for many, I cannot be more grateful to be able to keep going, and find food on my plate every day. At a time when most small businesses are struggling to survive, while many have already shut up shop, letting my future plans and ambitions take a backseat is a small price to pay. While hospital beds remain filled with people fighting coronavirus with their lives, and when doctors are selflessly championing the COVID-19 “rescue operation”, the least I can do is show unwavering gratitude for my life, and pray for the well-being of humanity.

I’m yet to fully come to terms with the new normal, or even begin to anticipate how the coming months will unfold, but the one certainty that has emerged from our pool of uncertainties is that the human species is reaping the effects of its actions. I, for one, think we are deserving of the current circumstances, and I’m afraid there’s more to come, if we continue to ignore nature with the speed at which we currently are. As a species, we can do better with more ‘real’ goals. It’s time we make a choice of collectively uplifting humanity from the realms one-upmanship and become certain about peacefully co-existing with nature. 

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