Wednesday 23 December 2015

Happiness costs nothing!

A lot of us tend to think of happiness as something that is obtained with a substantial amount of input in the form of effort and persistence. And for some, happiness is associated with materialistic satisfaction. We live with this mentality till something strikes us really hard and we decide to look into our lives, and decode what true happiness is.

Recently, I went to a secondary BMC school as part of a college assignment. I went there to address the importance of health and hygiene. As a novice, I was ecstatic and also a bundle of nerves at the same time for, since as long back as i can remember, I have never been at the helm of a class. So the idea of going to a school as a grown-up and talking to the curious students, be it only for a few minutes, seemed enticing. A night before the visit, my brain went into overdrive, constantly contemplating what and how I should say what I eventually did. There are incidents when excitement takes over everything that is playing on your mind, and then there are incidents when nervous anxiety takes over everything. And here I was, oscillating between feeling nervous, not knowing how to go about the given task and excited about the whole episode seeming to be a fun experience. Just when this cloud of fog got created in my mind, I thought to myself, ''Relax, it's just an interactive session like any other. There is no need to make this appear like a monumental task.'' Sometimes one cannot help but fall prey to his/her habit of overthinking. Whoever quoted ''Old habits die hard,'' must be a wise man.

The time was 2:45 p.m when I reached the school located in D.N. Nagar. While I was waiting for a fellow friend who I partnered with on this project, I came to know there were five buildings in the school compound, each having a different medium of instruction. The one we entered was a Hindi-medium school. We first visited a class of 6th graders; and I was very pleased to be welcomed with raw warmth and cheerful smiles. Soon after, I asked the kids to introduce themselves and also mention what they wanted to become when they grew up. Two minutes into the introduction and the voices kept getting louder. One could not miss those sparkling eyes filled with big dreams and ambitions. No matter how poor/underprivileged these kids may be, but when it comes to having hopes and dreams, sky is the limit; and no amount of bias and discrimination that they are treated with can ever act as a barrier to their ability to set a limit to their dreams and ambitions. And it is in those very moments of nurturing big dreams, when everyone is equal and indiscriminate. There were some who harbored hopes of being scientists and doctors. There were a few others who wished to become successful pilots and engineers. Much to my surprise, there were quite a few who aimed to pursue non-academic goals and become good singers and dancers. The one common nod of approval that we got was that of commitment to graduating college. And that was indeed a pleasant sight. We also asked the future dancers and singers to perform for us. And that they happily did. The smiles that adorned everyone's faces while being part of this lovely session spelled pure joy.

On our way to another class, some kids who were shy of performing initially, came running to us and asked us to come back to their class to see them perform. The biggest delight presented itself when these kids came running behind, addressing me as 'teacher'. That was the time my happiness just got a new meaning. In the meanwhile, the recess bell had gone and there was chaos in the corridor with all the kids queuing up to get their daily meal served by the school staff. All the chatter and hush-hush talks among a few groups of children while devouring their meal made me reminiscent of my school days. As school kids we all want to grow up fast, not realizing that we are our happiest selves being children. Because, happiness is not an end product of any financial or social achievement. Infact, true happiness most commonly lies in things that are devoid of any materialistic associations. And these kids showed me just that!

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Let bygones be bygones!

The intolerance debate is raging across the country and how! And all we need to know is creating a furore has become second nature to us. Is this what we have reduced ourselves to? I cannot help but ask, ''What is more intolerant: an unwarranted and gross over-reaction or having the right to freely express a standpoint in a democracy?'' Nonetheless, we have finally managed to set the tone for the country ringing.

Since childhood, we are taught to instill a forgiving nature. Contrary to what is perceived most often, forgiveness requires sheer strength of character. Difference, be it of any degree, occurs even at the most basic level. And hence, having a thought about the world's largest democracy that thrives on a static set of opinions and principles is futile. Being democratic and secular with the intent of sailing smoothly when it comes to co-existing with a billion other people is as good as aiming to reach for the moon in a car. It is impossible! We often forget that it is the dissent that forms the cornerstone of any democracy. In the times that we are living, for the sake of creating a conflict, saying somethings are just impossible to do is not surprising enough. When things become impossible, just then I choose to quote Napolean Bonaparte out of context and ask for his world renowned 'Nothing is impossible' to be objectified.' Should I find my voice in people of a similar pedigree, then the stamp of something really being intolerant is affixed, permanently. That's exactly how the things are proceeding, currently.

Just to set the record straight, we have tolerated far more unfathomable people and actions than the ones we have not. Should one get started with the detailing of all the things that went wrong in our country, a certain Bollywood actor's claims about intolerance would cease to get a mention. I am tempted into citing one of the biggest examples that mocks our idea of intolerance. Rahul Gandhi (I cringe while talking about him), the scion of a political dynasty, has helped us set a benchmark in achieving greater levels of tolerance everytime he makes a statement. Despite a public figure being a blot on all of us, we decide to look at the brighter of our system. Another shameful act that grabbed the eyeballs sometime back was the lynching of a man on the suspicion that he had consumed beef. By indulging in such acts of violence and disenfranchisement and by labeling Muslims to be anti the Indian culture,  we are leading ourselves to darker times ahead. The nation sulked over this malicious act for a couple of days before resuming back to normalcy. What was said towards the end is, ''Let bygones be bygones!''

We are a nation of over-enthusiastic people who border on religious fanaticism and hedonism in the name of patriotism. What kind of patriotism are we trying to refer to when we pelt stones at the houses of our cricketing icons everytime India lapses? As quick as we are in celebrating and worshipping our heroes, we are indeed quicker in setting their effigies to fire. Do we see patriotism in dividing our country with the help of caste politics? Is true patriotism only restricted to posing with a broomstick for social media to show our commitment to a clean India? If this is the case, then let us commit to going back and eliminating the bygones and not recreate history, come what may.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Of priceless gifts and valuables!

As children, we all indulged ourselves by crafting various items out of cardboard, chart papers, gift wrappers and a lot of similar craft material. To make the final product more appealing, we would use pencil shavings, old pieces of cloth, foil paper, glitter etc, most of which were items that are considered to be waste. If one happens to think over it, those craft sessions were valuable life lessons which taught us that joy and happiness need not come at an expensive price.

A couple of days ago, I decided to make a birthday card for a friend. I was making a card after a long, long time. To be precise, I was making something like this for the first time after I outgrew schooling. I was not sure about how the card would turn out to be or whether my efforts would appreciated or not; but, I certainly knew that I had put in all my creative efforts into making this card and was not the least bit disappointed. I very well knew that purchasing a greeting card from a card store would be way more feasible in that, it would be way more attractive and appealing than the one I made and it would also end up saving me a lot of time. But wait, what is the whole point of calling someone a friend if he/she does not deserve any of my time and efforts? Giving something that fails to capture any of my essence was something I could not resonate with. Creation is the ultimate source of happiness and satisfaction. We humans, in the pursuit of happiness, forget that it is these very small joys of life that give us ultimate joy. Don't we also love it when we receive something thoughtful and well measured? Don't we appreciate all the love that goes into executing and creating something that we receive as a gift? As much as I loved creating something with my own hands, I also prefer possessing similar things that form a part of my valuables. I remember getting a hand-made card for my 18th birthday. I know I'm sounding like I have barely received any cards. But, this card remains special and I shall always keep talking about it. And it goes without saying that this card, which is way more artistic and appealing than the one I made, stands out in comparison to the bunch of those standard, ready-made cards that i possess in dozens. Sometimes it feels good to pass the gesture and help everyone experience the feeling of what it feels like being valued.

There are many such instances in life that impart a sense of fulfillment. A lot of these get imprinted in our memories for an eternity. Moments like indulging in long conversations and laughter over a cuppa coffee with a close mate are a boon to friendship. Letting go of your the umbrella to experience monsoon showers or playing in the muddy water just when you thought you were too big for it, gifts you the opportunity to be a child again. Sharing some downtime with your love when you crave pampering and want to feel special is a gift to the heart and soul. Laughing over all the embarrassing and 'oops' moments one faced during childhood is necessary to know that everybody is not born perfect and it is okay to laugh at oneself to sense one's mortality. Having your dog wake you up with its wet nose and showering you with kisses makes you grateful for the gift of life. Making spontaneous plans about an impending trip to your favorite place with the perfect set of people strengthens your belief that life is indeed worthwhile.

The tag of 'gift' is a very relative one. Many equate gifts and possessions with the physicality of an object. Just move a step beyond and admire all that you have that many consider as gift because they can only only dream of it. Try finding things that made you happy and things you still cherish. Life will surprise you with the long list of priceless gifts you form and the treasure you hoard. Because, everyone is not as fortunate as you are. 

Monday 9 November 2015

Are we educated or just well qualified?

Education is a very broad term and a qualification is just one of the aspects education encompasses. Being educated to me is the ability to look beyond materialistic well-being. Apparently, there are a lot of us who come to associate education with one's academic qualifications. For starters, there is a thin line that exists between being well educated and well qualified. It boggles my mind when well qualified people equate education with a formal recognition by some institution on paper. Education is born out of a fusion of wide ranges of personal and professional excellence which sustains for a lifetime, whereas qualification ends with a degree.

Part of the difference between education and qualification in our system stems from the lack of ability of our learning institutes to teach us to think for ourselves. Thinking for oneself leads to independence and thoughts that are free of societal governance. Another core idea of education is tolerance. Now, i'm not saying we are intolerant but secularism in our country is a mere paradox. The freedom to form decisions without being judged, criticised and counter-questioned is something we are still not habituated to. Imagine going by a list of criteria to become educated, only to wait for non-education to hit us. The scenario that we are currently witnessing is that of communalism in a democracy, casteism and sexism with the larger aim being that of achieving equality and making being result and achievement oriented too mainstream, wherein the fundamentals of growth and harmony are uncalled for. A qualification just makes the ride to getting educated easier and moreover teaches us one thing; to complete what we started. Let's face this, we have miles to go before claiming to be educated.

Our educational system has been lambasted for setting up a poor base for its students. With all the aspects of learning being leveraged with scores, practical knowledge and talent have been heavily compromised upon. Workforce that is unskilled and uncompetitive is a product of our ignorance towards its true interests and genius. But again, putting the blame on teachers and parents for the lack of motivation to help the child achieve its true potential is not justified, as they too are a product of the same educational system that we are thrashing. True education stands for empowerment and also empowering. Suppression at the same time, of innate human expertise in achieving its full glory, defeats the purpose of education.

We don't necessarily need to adopt the conventional route of getting education to be learned and independent. Knowing that true knowledge lies in identifying one's calling and making it a way of life, think about being devoid of excellence in the fields of music, sports, theatre and  other competitive forms of art, if its legends just remained qualified but not becoming learned in their fields of expertise. Imagine, we wouldn't have known a legend in percussion as great as Ustad Zakir Hussain, had his father not been educated enough to realize his child's true artist and pushed him to pursue his art from a tender age. It was not his qualifications that helped him in realizing what a deadly combination talent and passion could possibly make. Just a simple understanding of life sans irrationality and materialistic targets and realization of one's role and duties in life is enough of a degree for a lifetime of education. Who would have thought that a Pakistani man brought up in a patriarchal Islamic family would stand up for his daughter's rights to attain independence? Malala couldn't be luckier! Her father could have easily suppressed her dreams and restricted her freedom like many well qualified Pakistani men have and still do, but he chose to lead the change. Her father is not a highly qualified but has definitely managed to educate those that are highly qualified, in the real sense. Let us all attempt to make an educated guess by asking ourselves, ''Are we educated or just well qualified?''

Friday 2 October 2015

The Secret Letter

Dear God,
I have contemplated writing to you umpteen times, but today, I certainly could not resist putting my pen to paper and tell you about all the hardships and pain I endure along this journey called "Life" and also thank you for acting as a mediator in helping me mend ties with life, time and again.

You have taught me not to crib and complain about anything and to accept everything with strength and grace. I have tried to heed your advice and shall certainly continue to do so in the times to come, barring today. Today, I just want you to spare some moments to see all the sorrow that comes along with being happy, the frowns that accompany my smiles, my fear and weaknesses that often seem hidden in a bid to look strong. Even without willing to see the pain and sadness that hide under a veneer, people easily label me. For all the love I get from those who genuinely love me, there is equal amount of angst and prejudice from those who are insecure. There are days when I feel extremely joyous and elated; but, there is hardly anyone to share in the joy. I may show the world that I am strong, but on the inside, I still feel very vulnerable everytime someone judges me. I try to look as confident a person as possible, but at times, even my sobs refuse to hold back. For, how much can one person bear the judgements and opinions from the entire world! Many a time, I look into the mirror and try to hold a smile, till my smile finally gives way to a frown. Sometimes, all I want to do is try and find you with the hope that one day all my fears, doubts and worries will seem justified in the quest to find you. Alas, I later realize that this moment shall never go beyond my dreams! Just when I begin to think that my life seems static and directionless, a high-pitched and stern voice tells me that all is not over yet. Soon after, my spirit is replaced with that of a warrior. This is when realization dawns on me. And, this is also the only time that I begin to acknowledge your invincible presence through that voice.

Just when I am about to give up, I am made to look back on the various downfalls. Didn't you plant those rough patches on purpose? Okay, now I understand. If you allow me to join the dots, can I assume that these periods of lows acted as the biggest lessons of my life and made me tougher? And had it not been for those lessons, I would have never valued life. My smiles seem to have grown bigger, now that I know the way out, every time I fall into a trap. And the secret that voice whispers is, ''Never give up! There is something better in store.'' Since I have already assumed that it is your voice that is trying to help me out, may I also ask you if I am the only one you chose to go through such extended periods of helplessness? If I am one of the few people to face life's wrath, then I can sense a pattern of bias which works in my favor. But, I want to know why you choose only a select few people to suffer more than the others? I promise I won't let the cat out of the bag.

Although I have a large list of questions and complaints, I have decided to do away with the problem sheet as you have asked me not to cry and complain. Till the time I receive your reply, I have a couple of things to do. The list goes as, I shall shred the problem sheet; I must keep smiling till my smile turns into a frown and back into a smile; I shall learn from my mistakes and bounce back higher every time there is a fall and if I feel bogged down by people's opinions and judgements about me, I shall believe that they are insecure and lonely and that they need to get in touch with you.

Yours faithfully,
A hopeful soul

Monday 21 September 2015

Things to learn from Hindi soaps

Television is one of the best things to have happened to the last two generations. Indian mothers and grandmothers cannot be more thankful for their daily dose of saas-bahu drama, which forms a big chunk of their daily routine. In this case, it is not only the women who are thankful, but also Indian men who now get some respite from moderating the constant arguments and fights that conspire between their mothers and wives, now that they are occupied, all thanks to our TV soaps.

I get very motivated everytime I see a lead female protagonist look highly determined to bring about positive changes in the lives of all her family members. Irrespective of the state of mess her own life is in, she makes sure her family does not get even slightly affected by all the challenges and problems she faces. Isn't this a lesson in optimism and staring life right in the face? My only concern remains that these women don't exist in the real world. I secretly wish, sometimes, to have domestic help that is as efficient and adept as the ones we see on television. Because seriously, having a Ramu kaka/Sita at your beck and call the moment you call for them, when there is only one in a huge palace-like setting is something even normal, middle-class people don't enjoy the luxury of, despite living in a fifth the size of the homes shown in these soaps. Nonetheless, I am hopeful that one day I shall find my Ramu kaka/Sita. Also, I feel watching Hindi serials gives us renewed hopes everytime something goes wrong, because ultimately, Bappa or Thakurji will serve justice and everthing will go back to being normal. Another important learning which completes the picture is to live your life with a never-say-die spirit and also because I am referring to 'never-say-die'  in the most literal sense, imagine thinking during every funeral that this may not be the person's final death. So, we should learn to always think twice before emoting during such a situation. This does not imply that you should not cry, but one should be optimistic and always ask himself/herself, ''How will the story go on without him/her?''

For me, the word 'villain' will always be synonymous with Hindi soaps. And, I am eternally grateful to these soaps for showing me that there is always going to be that one person who will be spying on me and wanting to take away my happiness. And that villain will most likely be someone from my past life because apparently I don't know the villain and have no idea about who he/she is, but ironically enough, the villain knows everthing about me. If you delve deeper into this theory, you will realize why we are all told to avoid indulging in misdeeds. This is because our karma will come to haunt us when we least expect it. Going by this logic, Hindi television should be given its due credit for being so progressive. To end the list of learnings, in order to be able to uphold the status of a dutiful wife and daughter-in-law, wearing a saree is a mandate!

Wishing you all great joy and success in the company of Indian television!

Friday 28 August 2015

Indian weddings we all love to hate

Indian weddings are more of a joke, wherein, 'wedding' is a sophisticated term used to signify the process of the groom getting auctioned off by his parents in exchange for ransom. And you see a lot of people from the groom's family happily discussing how they struck gold by cracking the best deal with the bride's parents. This is also the best place to show your financial status. Of course, because this is the only place which will have more witnesses to your wealth than any other place.

Everyone will agree that except for the very close friends and family of the bride and groom, all the rest that grace the occasion just have their eyes affixed on the calorie counter, making a mental note of what will satisfy their palates. Apart from seeing some 40-something-aunties wearing shoddy make-up and outfits that scream for help, you also see a lot of competition among them as to who is wearing a more expensive saree and who is looking better than the other. In fact, much unlike the common scenario that we generally observe at a wedding, you also overhear guests discussing things like ''Aaj ka khana toh kuch bhi nahi hai. Maine apni beti ki shaadi mein 2000 ki dish rakhi thi'', that only make you want to hate Indian weddings all the more. So basically, one wedding becomes a reference point for how good or bad other weddings are! I personally feel very bad when the newly-married couple has to stand for 3-4 hours, smiling, entertaining the guests on stage and posing for pictures, when you can see the couple glancing at the long queue every few minutes, secretly wishing for the queue to disappear. God bless girls who stand for the entire duration of the reception party wearing 5-inch heels. They are sure to ask their husbands for a foot massage soon after they retreat to their rooms. Poor husbands! Their night becomes memorable for a different reason altogether.

Another thing I find very unnecessary is how all the gifts a bride receives from her family as well as from her new family, as part of the tradition, are put on display. I asked my mother about the reason for the existence of such a custom and why it is still practiced, to which, i was told that this is a way of making everyone around feel involved. And apparently, it also makes people happy when they see that the bride has been provided with all the bare essentials. My point is, why does this involve the entire extended family or society? Isn't wedding supposed to be a private affair and aren't these things only for the very closed ones to know? Do you think people are genuinely going to be happy on seeing everything that the bride has been bestowed with? In fact, in hindsight, people who may not be able to afford expensive jewellery and other items for their children's wedding, are getting prompted to go out of their way and burn a hole in their pockets.This is because they may not want their children to get any less or they may be forced to do so to ensure their standing in the society remains intact.

The funniest part about an Indian wedding is people often discussing internally, how either the guy or the girl seems to have got plain lucky with his/her match. Also, curiosity builds up, especially among people of marriageable age, to know what honeymoon destination has been decided upon by the couple. But, irrespective of all the bashing up and criticizing of Indian weddings that we indulge in, we all dream to have a big fat Indian wedding. Because, getting married sans all the drama and razzmatazz seems like no fun!

Monday 10 August 2015

Following the musical path....

After long hours of contemplation, after brainstorming ideas on three different subjects, i finally decided to zero in on writing about my affinity towards one of the purest forms of art, MUSIC. Listening to music is like feeding the soul. It always ensures that my peace of mind stays intact. Music to music lovers is like money to the poor. It is very sacred and precious. A day passsed without listening to music feels like something is amiss. I don't know if it's just the music lovers who feel this strongly about music or it is a common view; but, i can vouch for the fact that music makes life more beautiful.

Out of the 24 hours in a day, how much time do we keep aside to do what we genuinely love doing? How much time is actually spent doing something to distress ourselves? And let's not consider activities like driving, jogging, gymming etc if they are not optional. So, after striking off many activities that we may do because they are forced upon us or done to look cool or maybe, because we lack the availability of better options, we are barely left with a handful of activities or as many call them 'hobbies'. Out of the one or two hours that we may devote in a day to enjoy and relax oursleves, how many actvities do we actually indulge in that disconnect us from the stress of the real world? I would say, barely two or three. And music, is one of them. It may not be a part of our standard, basic requirements, but that does not take away from its strong influence on our mind and soul.

I, somehow, have developed this strange connect with music. I can wholly and solely bank on music to keep me company, anytime and anywhere. I can listen to music for endless hours and not get bored. That is quite something, given we have various other ways to distract ourselves. This is the kind of impact music has. For me, this insanity has developed over the years, which is now bordering on almost making me handicapped without music. So, out of curiosity, i just looked up the internet to understand if this could actually happen. And, i came across some astonishing facts, given as the effects of music, of which, some were difficult to comprehend. One of the many surprising things i learnt was that music helps secrete immune-boosting hormones by creating a positive and emotional environment which contributes to reducing the factors responsible for damaging the immune system. This fact has provided an added incentive to listen to music. Another interesting nugget i stumbled upon was that music can heavily influence your emotions. So much so, that a strong and commanding piece of music can make one violent and destructive, enough to bear severe repercussions. At the same time, a soft and soothing piece of music can have an equally calming effect on one's mind and soul. Infact, relaxing music is a remedy to improve the duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups.So, better choose your music carefully!

Overlooking its very few adverse effects, music has been known to create magical effects on schizophrenic patents and induced hope in many a depressed soul. I personally owe most of my extended imagination and visualisation to music, of which a lot would have remained uneplored had it not been for the world of rhythms,tunes and melodies. It's a different thing that at times i get transported to the dream world which sometimes makes me want to keep fantasising and not come back to the real world. But, so long as music makes me forget everything else while i have my headphones on, everything is justified.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Let's become foodies!

Nothing gets better than talking food. Seriously. You may have noticed how Indian patriots say, ''Once an Indian, always an Indian!'' or artists saying ''Once an artist, always an artist!'' etc; the same holds true for me when it comes to food. Food and I share a deep bond. A bond in which food equally needs me and keeps coming back to me as much as I love it back. So, it's kind of an organic bond.

With the availability of increasing variety of foods, it is hard to decide whether one eats to live or lives to eat. Also, having said that, this decision is hardly relevant. I always thought the concept of food was overrated until I moved out of my comfort zone. I started exploring newer and different foods; albeit, at my own pace. And there! Food made me its amateur connoisseur. Food becomes addictive only when had in its authentic form. And extra cheese or butter is always welcome. Just imagine adding an extra dollop of butter on a paratha or a pancake. How about adding extra cheese in your dosa/pasta/pav bhaji/wrap/pizza that makes you go on a guilt trip! You have not had the most delicious foods without feeling guilty after having them. I so envy those who can eat anything and everything without piling on any extra kilo of weight. These, I feel, are the luckiest people. And more so if they happen to be true food lovers.

''I sliced the brownie into 4 big pieces, each piece being the size of two ice cubes combined. I pick up one of the bigger chunks of the walnut brownie, making its way into hot chocolate sauce along with some vanilla ice-cream. Did I just eat that? I forgot about everything else for those few seconds when the brownie entered my mouth. I assume, it was one of the foods that is probably served in heaven.'', texts a friend. Not the one to be left behind, I decide to have a brownie fondant that day itself. To hell with calories who think they could stop me from consuming them!  How can I miss out on such a sumptuous treat! My indulgence saved me from feeling deprived. Eating is an art. There is a way of serenading the foods you love, into your mouth. And I really admire those who have an eye for good food.

I stumbled upon a quote sometime back, which says, ''Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like.'' This quote stuck in my head ever since and helped me get rid of all the failed diet plans I had made and probably would further make in the future. Now, everytime I feel like looking after my diet, this quote keeps reverberating in my head. All of us slog ourselves day in and day out with the basic purpose of filling our stomach.  But, somewhere in the race to achieve bigger milestones, we often lose sight of the goal we had initially set out to accomplish and the things that make us happy. Scientifically, food has the power to restore and elevate one's mood. And, food is a mandate, whether you eat to live or live to eat. And it is always nice to share a good relationship with the things there is no escape with. So, let's become foodies and live happily ever after with our favorite foods! Oops, did I just say that?

Saturday 11 July 2015

A little humor does not harm!

Just the other day, I came across this man who expressed his dream of becoming a comic, someday. This is just so rare of any Indian to say, where living in a democracy like India is a mere paradox. Despite subscribing to the right to speech, we consider taking offence to anything and everything that's being discussed as a mandate. Be it discussing religion and its fundamentals, talking about political leaders and the corruption that goes around or something as basic as voicing an opinion, with a twinge of satire, if something is not consistent with our thinking, it automatically becomes offence worthy. Again, this does not apply to everybody or I shall rather put it this way, there are fewer people who actually understand the concept of democracy than those who just co-exist in a democracy.

A few days back, I re-watched the episode of AIB knockout. This was just to gauge why so many people reacted the way they did to the roast. I felt ashamed of our poor mentality and how we lacked the ability to take comedy in the right spirit. I felt all the more appalled at how people were outraged and filed an FIR against AIB and how its members received death threats from some political parties and religious groups. They were eventually asked to take down the video. A lot of the things spoken during the show were provoking. But, that's insult comedy, my friends! What else do you expect of it? Thousands of people who went to watch the show, paid a bomb for the tickets and willingly sat through the show as the jokes kept getting darker. The reason being, we have barely known satire and this was a one of a kind event that attempted something in the genre of satire. A lot of the people who cheered during the roast and went home and started complaining about how these gigs were not conducive for the Indian population and that they should be banned, just had another reason to display their double standards. In the first place, they knew what the show consisted. Secondly, nobody forced them to attend the show. If we feel so offensive about everything that transpires in our surroundings, we might as well lock ourselves up in a room.

For all those who advocate the freedom of speech, dissent is the cornerstone of any democracy. Retaining your perspective and respecting and co-existing with others' views and ideologies is the true nature of democracy. To give more perspective, democracy is not about taking offence to jokes pertaining to your religion while laughing and cracking a joke about other religions. Democracy would have been truly implemented when despite our overbearing presence, we give others a chance to speak and give them the freedom to make their choices. What we are doing is calling ourselves a democracy while subtracting objectivity. This is like asking for aloo bhaji (potato curry) without aloo to be still called aloo bhaji. Satire and humor are a reflection of our culture and practices. They are not born out of one's dreams and imagination. And hence, no matter how small an issue is, giving it a humorous twist will make it look provoking. And since, we are not used to listening to the truth that is right in the face, we have nothing to do but to take offence. And when one is in power, the right to take offence increases tenfold.

Satire has been existent since centuries in many western countries and has been dealt with sportingly. Because, it is bound to exist when there are multiple forces and cultures to reckon with. So, we might as well make peace with it. Infact, looking at the pros of comedy/satire, this genre is helping people channel their frustration by laughing it out. And doing that makes the atmosphere more cathartic and vibrant. And of course what could be better than making someone laugh and taking away their ownership of sorrow and frustration, be it only for a little while. And the best thing is that laughter disarms people. Like, you would easily win an argument by making the opposite person laugh which will ultimately force him to let his defences down and disarm himself. You can try this. We seriously wouldn't need any wars if only there was more humor around. Because, a little humor does not harm!

Saturday 27 June 2015

Rains and the magical mists....

Touchdown Mumbai. And, a sense of calm and peace prevails. No matter where on earth one goes, the strings of love and pride that tie you to your homeland always keep pulling you back, to the place which always lives in your heart. And when you return to your home during monsoons, and if that means arriving in Mumbai, your welcome becomes all the more pleasurable.

As i walk out of the airport, i am greeted by mild drizzling. The droplets of rains touch my bare skin and the smell of the moist air around is enough to take me on a nostalgia trip. Of the many special moments cherished during the monsoons, nostalgia is just one of the many feelings that keep coming back to me. Soon after, on my journey back home, i am again greeted by many a pothole jammed with water, that only re-ensure me that everything is just the same as when i had left. The showers continue to bedazzle me. For once, i keep looking at the rains like someone who has never witnessed them. Irrespective of the water-clogged potholes, flooded streets, heap of garbage or the chaos that gets created with the sudden onset of heavy showers, nothing feels as real and soothing as the monsoons in here. Rains in India sometimes do more harm than good to its people; but, none can deny the adrenaline rush they experience everytime it rains.

As a school going kid, i used to yearn for heavy rains just in the hope of getting a day off from school. As i used to wake up in the morning, i used to peep outside the window in expectation of seeing flooded streets so that i could bunk school. Today, those memories hold a different meaning. I look back and laugh on those antics, not to mention how much i miss those good old days. As one marches into adulthood and takes the lead of his/her life, i just sit and marvel at the irony of life. As a kid, you hate being disciplined and let others make decisions for you at all times. But, today when i'm left to do all the things by myself and take my own decisions, wanting to be a kid seems like a golden wish. Who do i make excuses to for not wanting to attend school during monsoons? Telling my mother to let me sleep for 5 more minutes on those cozy rainy mornings is unrequired now. Buying those colorful raincoats seems unexciting and meaningless.

Monsoon is the time when sitting by the window and listening to your favorite playlist feels like the perfect ritual. Lazing around in bed comes second to that. Doing nothing but snacking on hot food along with a cuppa piping hot coffee at times like this seems like pure bliss.Like many others, i echo the feeling that rains make you feel special in unique ways. As much as i hate stepping out in the rains and wish for them to go away, deep inside the heart lies a secret desire to hold onto every moment of this time. To keep staring at the downpour as the days turn into months, months into years, till the day i grow old enough and lie down with the beauty of rains filled in my eyes and die with a child-like spirit.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Age-based mortals!

Aging from infancy to old-age, life is a beautiful, absolutely beautiful journey. And moreover, a fulfilling one. Starting from birth through childhood, through teens, through young adulthood, through old adulthood and finally death, the journey of life is so much more interesting than the destination. The last stage of life, when one smiles satisfactorily, of having experienced the various ages and stages of life, is nothing short of accomplishing a mission. A mission, not everybody is fortunate to complete successfully.

Now what we know about age and it being in complete sync with life, was not known before, years ago. Age was never tracked. There was no age-based demarcation between individuals. Children were considered as miniature adults. And then the concept of time and age came into being, and became a crucial one. So much so that today age dictates a person's work and behavior among other things. So then, why do we say age is just a number? Does age actually matter all that much? Mark Twain, a noted American author, was once quoted as saying, 'Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter'. If I have to elaborate on his quote, I can find a strong co-relation between his quote and the non-existence of age, centuries before. When age and time were unknown, people went about doing everything without any mental baggage which also facilitated and enhanced their abilities. So, the whole idea is as simple as it gets - only if you let age matter does it actually matter. The mere thought of age can create bars that may enforce unnatural behavior. We are alive only as long as there exists spirit, hope, and desire to live. It is the zest for life that actually keeps a person alive. Because a live corpse is still referred to as a corpse. History is filled with men who have succeeded only because of their never-say-die spirit and child-like passion towards whatever they did best. It is up to us to choose whether to ignite that child-like enthusiasm or to let age get the better of you. 'Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.' As rightly quoted by Betty Friedan, growing old brings along its own set of opportunities to explore. To feel old enough to be able to tackle any situation that comes your way. To be able to be in a position to pay back to the world what you gained over the years. To be mature enough to advice the younger lot and help them along the way. And to be old enough to share the beautiful memories and moments from the past with the younger generations. Aren't these enough opportunities to want to experience aging with as much gusto as with teens and youth?                                                                                          

 In Hinduism, the life of every person is compartmentalized into 4 stages or asramas. The first quarter of life is devoted to being a student or brahmacharya. This emphasizes that being a student and dedicating your life to learning in these early years stimulate growth in all respects of life and prepares you for the next stage of life. When a person completes the first stage or Brahmacharya Asrama, he/she is prepared to take up the worldly responsibilities of settling down into wedlock, looking after the family and taking up the duties of a householder and being a responsible adult. This constitutes the second stage of life or Grihastha Asrama. Look, how these stages emphasize what is expected of any individual, in the moral sense, during each of the various stages of life. Growth is emphasized in every stage of life in order to serve our purpose as true and dutiful human beings. In the third quarter of life or Vanaprastha Asrama, after having fulfilled all his worldly duties, an individual is ready to pass on his/her duties to his successors and lead a life of fulfilment and retirement. In the fourth and final stage of life, also called as Sanyasa Asrama, one gradually frees himself/herself from all the bondages and takes to renouncing the world to resort to a life of peace, prayer, worship, and absolute non-interference.

All the above mentioned references just validate one purpose, which is morality and how life should be lived in the right fashion. All in all, if life is to be ever lived, live it originally. Whether young or old, you are the only front runner in your life; so, don't hesitate to live it the way you wish to. If you ever want age to matter, add life to your age. And live your life so beautifully that even when you become old, you are still looked upon as someone who is ageless. So, set the right standards!

Monday 27 April 2015

If only, childhood never left me!

If and when a time machine gets invented, the first thing I would want is to get transported back in time, to my childhood. Nobody can deny the pure bliss that childhood is made of. Those were the days when my world was a very small one but the joy it brought me is unparalleled. Those days when being surrounded by my loved ones was reason enough to never let time pass by. And a hug from my mother was enough to rid me of all my worries. How i wish, I can bring those days and memories into life, again. If only, childhood never left me!                                                                                                                                                     As a kid, I always yearned to grow up and become independent. Most of us have echoed these sentiments. But, as they say you only realise the true value of something when it's gone. Now, when I look back on my life as a kid, adulthood fades in comparison. The perspective through which a child sees the world and acts on impulse without the fear of being judged can never be replaced. Like every kid, whose eyes are filled with dreams and mind with curiosity, I too would get excited at the thought of becoming big and self-assertive. At that time, I didn't realise that i was already living the best days of my life and that those days would never come back. I remember how I used to dream about what future would be like and what would I be like when I'm all grown up. By the way, I still dream about some things just the way I did as a kid, at times. Seriously, i sometimes feel like a curious child inside the body of an adult. At times, I feel my childhood passed by too quickly. The best part about being a child was that you could do anything and get away with it. I have done quite a bit of non - sensical things as a child and I maybe ashamed to admit some of them but, believe me, those are the memories that, to this day, bring the biggest smiles and laughter. Life wouldn't be half as interesting sans those crazy incidents. One of the few episodes that I remember very vividly still brings tears in my eyes. I was about 8 years old when I once went shopping with my father. While looking around in the store, I saw a pair of pink flats which looked very attractive. I went upto to my father and asked him if he could buy me those flats. But my father didn't like them much and turned down my favor. I tried pestering him but to no avail. Later, I decided to go and sit in the car and wait for my father. I was distraught and seemingly sad. After a while, I saw my father coming out of the store and walking towards the car. I saw some 2-3  bags in his hand. The moment he opened the door, I bent forward to peep inside the bags. My pink flats were right there! I was surprisingly happy and asked my father as to why he bought those flats when he didn't like them. My father didn't say much except that he later thought they were good. I don't know whether he liked them or not but his gesture showed that he couldn't see me sad. Those flats didn't mean to me as much as my father's loving and caring gesture did. As a kid, this event left a great impact on my mind. Parents are indeed the best gift in life.                                                                                                                                                    Another incident that does not fail to make me laugh occurred when I was 14. There was a presentation that we had to submit in school. The presentation was to be made in groups.The presentation was ready but I was not well prepared with my topic. And we all had to speak on different sub-topics. All the students had queued up outside the classroom to go to the conference room, where the presentations were going to happen. I started panicking and wanted to avoid giving the presentation for the fear of fumbling. Just when all the students started to move downstairs, I told my group member that I wasn't feeling too well and that I was planning to go home. I immediately told the teacher present in the class about my health who asked me to meet the supervisor and take her permission. I went to meet the supervisor and she asked me to call up at my house to ask someone to pick me up. I knew I would have to wait in school until someone came. I didn't want to wait back as I thought I would be asked to stay with the class until someone from home came. So I just picked up the phone in front of her and dialled some random number which didn't exist. I pretended to speak to my mother informing her about the situation. I hung the phone and told the supervisor that my mother would be coming within 7-10 minutes and took her permission to wait for my mother in the lobby. I quickly ran down and within 2 minutes I was standing outside the main gate. I hailed an auto and left quickly. I pretended to be so sick at home that I was given some medicines and made to rest for the entire day. To this day, l get goosebumps when I reminisce about that episode. I still don't know how I had the guts to make a pretend-call in front of the supervisor.                                                                                                 It does not matter how old one is but it sure is very important to keep the child inside each one of us alive. Sometimes being child-like makes life more fun and exciting. It assures us that happiness, innocence, and warmth can exist in this wicked world. We may have grown up and those days may have gone but the memories offer us a world of their own. And that world shows us how to be a child again.

Monday 13 April 2015

Religion divides, humanity unites!

All the major religions in the world were born when man couldn't address larger problems and issues at hand. There was a point when man realized that despite seeming to have everything within his reach, there was something amiss. Something that was transcendent and beyond the control of man. All the questions man couldn't answer got attributed to God, which in turn gave rise to the concept of RELIGION. Man, thus realised, that he was no more than a puppet in this diverse creation of nature.
The purpose of religion, today, has changed 360 degrees. Religion is still existent but man has made religion the reason behind every course of his action. Even if that means taking away from the basic duties of humanity. This transition in the belief system occurred over a period of time, modifying the religions to suit the human requirements. And, as a result, the religions' original message and content have been liquidated. Religion had and still has the power to induce and evoke both fear and hatred. But, things only work when the equilibrium shifts more towards fear. Fear implies morality and control by avoiding indulgence in the concepts of superiority and super humans. Hatred, on the other hand leads to inducing fear in the minds of others through power. And power evokes godliness. In this context, power gives rise to evil and destruction.
Somehow, I have always felt, we are creating barriers for ourselves through differentiation. We are dehumanising existentialism on the grounds of varied practices, religion being one of them. Ask yourself this question: Aren't our duties and actions too heavily dependent on our religion? To hell with those self-created theories and concepts that only further contribute to the pursuits of the demonic cult. On the one hand, where religion is supposed to mend broken ties and help in treading the path of humanity, its misinterpretation has lead to serious damaging which in no way can be reversed. There is no one single religion which advocates injustice and takes pride in the destruction of the innocent. The fact of the matter is that we, as humans are liable to serve humanity, which is what everybody is sure to know. But, we seem to have completely lost the plot. We take the service of contribution and the act of kindness as our strengths and a way to have an upper hand over those in need. The motive of gaining adulation and respect is on top of the agenda. Everybody knows what the truth is; but, trying to be blinded by the religious misinterpretations seems to serve their vested interests. And any service done with expectations and ulterior interests only reeks of selfishness.
I shall reiterate once again that the core of every religion is humanity. Hinduism talks about the aspect of deeds and virtues mainly in the context of heaven and hell. Benevolence and love form the pillars of Christianity. Similarly, Judaism talks about absolute faith, discipline and morality. Coming to Islam, which believes in complete devotion and absolute submission to the almighty, its message has been completely misterpreted. Buddhism is a mirror to all that man can be and sets an example to achieve the highest degree of living through kindness and non-attachment. Likewise, the remaining faiths only go a step ahead to make the concept of humanity clearer, albiet, in different ways, if only we are willing to decode the true message of every religion. All the wars occurring in the world today have a religious backing. We are all divided and pitted against each other on the grounds of religion. How many of us even know the true message that our very own religion conveys, to be able to judge and breed contempt towards any other faith? This only goes on to showcase our poor mentality and narrow-mindedness. One must learn to be human first and accept humanity as his/her only true religion. We are only creating a larger gap or I should rather say, we are getting distanced from God Himself and entrapping ourselves in a place we keep making as non-real and far from being tolerable to God as possible by creating an environment that we are, only in the quest to get closer to him. We all bow down to one God and remember, He does not differentiate.

Monday 30 March 2015

Art and Life : Independent or Interdependent?

Ahh....This interrogative statement actually got me thinking. And why shouldn't it, with the changing scenario? Up until a few years ago, one could manage to say that it is art that imitates life. But no longer, in the larger scheme of things. Art, today, has indeed become quite impactful. Art holds its own credentials and value, devoid of any dependence. Infact, putting any value on art would be losing its sheen.                                                                          Art has and still is a reflection of our society. No two ways about it. It has only become global, with the homogenisation of world cultures. This fusion has become a culture in itself. A culture containing the pride and glory of its varied representatives. Our acceptance of foreign cultures have opened their doors for us. And we all see its result in the form of tolerance and respect, in diversity. Everything seen in the creative medium as art is a mirror to the society. Be it movies, that showcase social realities in a larger-than-life context and likewise, dance, song, music, literature and something abstract yet real like drawings and paintings, all these forms are inspired from the society and culture. As social animals, we are bound to play to the gallery. Our imagination stretches only within the realm of what is acceptable and what is not. We certainly cease to exist without a reality.                                   Trends, today, are changing and so are people's perspectives. Their perspectives are widening and stretching out in infinite directions; all thanks to the amalgamation of cultures and more importantly, our exposure to them at the various sub-levels. All this has somewhat reversed the pattern of proceedings. Art is being adapted into our existence, maybe partially, at this point in terms of its documentation. And fully, when it comes to actually practicing what we observe without realising the source of our actions.        Progress and growth after a point become predictable. They stimulate our minds to think progressively and strengthen our foresight. This is when art begins to inspire life. To give an example, when a movie like Avatar or a big budget sci-fi film is made, which bears a testimony to the range of human capabilities, we actually start viewing ourselves in a more refined and sophisticated manner. Art has, similarly, put us on a pedestal. Nature, which has been the biggest inspiration of art, has helped life evolve. All we are doing is modifying the nature according to our taste. Life still gets inspired by the art which once, was purely natural and all over the place. We are only getting inspired favorably, every minute of the day. But, most of us never wondered, as to, what inspired us all along. Talk about the different expressions of art and we are all moulded and shaped on the basis of what we observe. More appropriately, we are by-products of art. And thus, I can state that something which is as ancient as 5000 years old can still find its connections to this day. And it still manages to influence us. Although, we may refine them according to our present day requirements.                             On the whole, life and art, both are intertwined. And they influence each other in equal measure. But, there is no denying the fact that despite art being an extension of our imagination, life perhaps, would find no takers if there was no expression of art.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Animal Cruelty : The Unspoken Truth

Since it has been quite long from the time I last wrote a blog post, I was brainstorming about all the various topics that caught my fancy during the hiatus. All along the way, the one topic that kept popping up in my mind was that of animal cruelty which is on a sharp rise in every different form. And here, I'm only referring to non - humans.                         Never really been the one to have given much thought about the cruelty meted out to animals; I have also never felt as strongly about these innoncent beings as much as I do, at the moment. What with us almost depriving the animal kingdom of its right to live. Today, I can attribute the need to give voice to these mute souls to having one myself. There are some aspects I feel more strongly about than the others. Starting with the concept of taking animals to slaughter houses, if one hears of the number of animals being slaughtered each day, he/she would feel nothing short of shame and disgust. And this number does not justify our purpose or requirement to do so. We have reached a stage where we look at everything in terms of profit and loss. And anything that does not benefit us or is no longer productive is straightaway dumped and in this context, it is killed. The recent controversy about 'Beef Ban' in India reinstates the same. Cows that can no longer be milked or rather those who are no longer productive are slaughtered. Who are we to put a value on someone or classify someone as useful or useless? Is humanity only restricted to humans? Or had it been legal, we would have practiced the same with our human counterparts. Whether these animals' killing is justified or not does not seem to be as much a concern as is removing them from the picture. Even the age old practice of animal sacrifice and honor killings among various cultures is an issue which needs to be seriously pondered over. In the name of God, we are killing and offering Him something which He, himself has proudly created. Many festivals mark the killing of a certain animals as auspicious. Now, many of these killings are supported by a set of beliefs. Like for example, during Bakri Eid, many Muslims believe that the goats that are not killed in the first attempt are not considered as pure. Hence, they may deny their consumption. I don't think God himself would be for the concept of putting these innocent creatures through torture.  And i'm pretty convinced that many of these animals that are killed in slaughter homes must be going to the garbage bin, owing to a disproportion in their requirement and killing.                                                                    Even those animals that are dependent on other animals or living creatures for their survival do not kill beyond requirement. And then there are some of us who indulge in the evil practice of animal hunting either for fun or to trade animal skin and other essential parts. Don't we have any moral obligation towards the environment ? It's quite shameful to learn that rather than protecting those who cannot speak up for themselves, we are actually misusing and misleading them for our benefit. A lot of these so-called environmentalists make comments that only make us fall further in our eyes by stating that we are actually doing a favor to the nature by keeping the population of animals in check, when actually this is far from what the truth is. The truth is that we are responsible for breeding many of these animals beyond a number, only to kill them later. Infact, we would be doing a great favor to the nature if we take the onus of keeping the human population under check. Rest assured, everything else will be taken care of.                                                                                                                               Animals have always completed the picture in the depiction of our environment. They all contribute to the environment in their own ways. And it would be a great disservice to the nature if we tamper with its creations. I would not be wrong in saying that it is us, the humans who are actually more dependent on nature and the animals than the other way round; only if we are willing to see the other side of the picture. Cows don't need us to give them milk. Dogs don't need humans for company and show their loyalty to. They don't benefit themselves from being loyal and faithful as much as we do. Horses can travel miles together by themselves. Similarly, animals are not required to be caged, if it wasn't for  us. They are quite adept to live in the natural surroundings and better off being on their own. The real question here is, who is a threat? Animals or humans? I'm pretty sure that if animals were asked to potray a form of evil, their depiction would, no doubt, be that of a human.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Mother - A divine blessing!

From being held in her gentle arms after getting a life,                                                                          From being caressed all through the day,                                                                                           From holding us up every time there is a fall,                                                                                            From singing lullabies and narrating bed-time stories,                                                                    How lucky is he, who has a mother!                                                                                                            .                                                                                                                                                                                                       From laying the foundation of life,                                                                                                               From scolding for the misdeeds,                                                                                                                 From discreetly welling up tears after scolding,                                                                                          From pampering and loving like none else,                                                                                                 How lucky is he, who has a mother!                                                                                                     .                                                                                                                                                                   From fighting the world to be by your side,                                                                                         From seeing all your highs and lows through,                                                                                   From being patient and reposing faith in you,                                                                                             From holding the head high on seeing you succeed,                                                                                 How lucky is he, who has a mother!                                                                                                     .                                                                                                                                                                   From sacrificing everything only to see you happy,                                                                         From being the 4 a.m. friend whom you can always fall back on,                                                        From worrying about all the bad food habits,                                                                                     From giving up on her sleep to cook your favorite dish,                                                                   How lucky is he, who has a mother!                                                                                                     .                                                                                                                                                                   From being the care-taker to a infant,                                                                                              From being the disciplinarian to a brat,                                                                                           From being the perfect companion to a grown up adult,                                                                    From being the proud mother to a successful adult,                                                                              A mother, is truly an angel to her child.                                                                                          An An angel, a child is lucky enough to see everyday in his life.

Monday 26 January 2015

World Cup fever all around....

It just seems like a few days back when India brought the elusive World Cup trophy home.The fact that it has been almost 4 years since that illustrious win seems quite unbelievable. All the madness,euphoria, and hoopla around the last World Cup victory seem surreal and sometimes even refuse to die down. And that should most certainly be the case, I say. After all, it's no joke that we got the trophy back home after 28 long years. The wait was quite long, but it was definitely worth it. And all of the hype and craziness around the victory was justified for this cricket - crazy nation where cricket is no less than a religion. As rightly said, cricket is more a feeling than just a sport. Indians eat, sleep, walk, and breathe cricket. So much is the love for the game, that we literally worship our cricketers and make them living Gods. And those Gods need no introduction.                           'It's a magnificent strike into the crowd. India lift the World Cup after 28 years....' These words still send shivers down our spines and keep coming back to our minds often, not letting the World Cup victory be a distant memory. But, with another World Cup series being just a few days away, the nostalgia about our previous victory is sure to increase manifold. So much has been written and predicted already about the upcoming World Cup event and the excitement only seems to keep increasing with every passing day. Unfortunately, this time around, World Cup will not take place on the Indian soil. This being the only downside, I'm pretty sure there are other factors which will make up for this happening. Of course, there are questions raising against the outster of some good-but-out-of-form-players, but that is another story altogether. But, the larger picture, which is that of winning, remains intact, irrespective.                                                                                                                                   Catering to people across all ages and overlooking the barriers of religion, cricket has succeeded in uniting the entire Indian population with its mass appeal. Till sometime back, I used to wonder, what the fuss around cricket was all about. I'm still not exactly clear in my analysis about cricket overshadowing the other sports. From all the sense that I have tried to make out of the passion and craziness for this game is :                                                             a) Cricket, for Indians, is a feeling that cannot be denied.                                                                      b) Non-cricket lovers will never be able to understand that feeling and affiliation of a cricket fan towards the sport.                                                                                                                             c) The resources required to play the game can be afforded by a common man and hence active participation in the sport doubles up the overall interest levels.                                                              d) You cannot overlook the crazy passion India holds about cricket, which gets you thinking if you are the only odd man out in your dislike for the sport. And when there is so much tom - tomming about the sport, how can one not follow suit and join in the chanting and cheering!                                                                                                                                                          Well, that was my analysis and I assume there are many others who may feel the same way.                                                                                                                                                 Whether you observe a watchman or a chai-wallah or go to any roadside food stalls or a market area or even a luxury shopping mall or whether you eaves-drop in on a conversation, cricket discussions seem to be dominating among other interests. Period. Every other person, nowadays, knows about the World Cup scenario, the players who made the team, the reason behind the dropping out of some, and the list goes on. And not to forget, they have the schedule of matches right there with themselves. It almost seems like the whole of India is gearing up to play the World Cup. So much is the curiosity, that during the World Cup, you will find many people making sincere efforts to get the latest score updates irrespective of where they are and what they are busy with. And you know, the best thing about this entire World Cup episode is that they don't care about anything as long as they are fulfilling their duties of being avid cricket lovers.

Friday 16 January 2015

Ideal love!

It is very rare, absolutely very rare that you get to see or atleast even hear about a wedding that has survived 75 years and still counting. I came across this beautiful article recently which covered the fairytale story on marital bliss of a Japanese couple. And the least I could say is that I was beyond surprised. Never in my life have I stumbled upon a more touching piece of story. Truly, it was a treat to the soul. It is one thing to stay married for 25 years and only have hopes about completing another set of it to celebrate half a century of marriage. It is another thing to achieve the precious milestone of 50 years of togetherness and feel grateful about it and feel blissfully secure in the memory of the years that went by. And it is a very, very special blessing and rare feat to be able to see the platinum phase of one's marriage through.                                                                                                                         What amazed me about the coulple was the fact that how, even after 75 long years of marriage, after going through various stints of hardships and struggles, there has never been a dull moment as they said or even a fleeting thought of giving up on their respective roles in the relationship. After all these years, which seem no less than a roller coaster ride, in which they brought up three daughters, lived in extreme poverty at once and struggled to make ends meet, fought many a hurdle together and went through a multitude of emotions, they still feel they haven't had enough of each other. So much is the love and concern for each other that, their only wish remains to die together. They cannot see themselves without the other. Being the epitome of what ideal love stands for, one would expect them to have a secret to all these years of wedding bliss. And one could articulate the depth of this bond when they said the only thing they would do if they felt they had hurt or upset each other even subconsciously, was to leave each other alone for a while without any exchange of words. This time, apart from each other would make them realize how incomplete they seemed without each other. And it would also serve the purpose of giving each other enough space only to make their hearts grow fonder towards the other.                  Beautiful is the life where one can share his/her joy and sorrow with a shoulder to lean on. But, more beautiful is that life where you have someone to shoulder half of your sorrow and share in your joy. Beginnings may always seem perfect and utopian but, the real test lies in being together when things may not seem perfect. And it is this challenge that makes two individuals perfect for each other.  Having no definition or expression, love is yet a feeling which needs no description. All the successful people in this world are proof enough of the fact that it was love they set out to conquer. Having fame and power are equivalent to being accepted enough which forms the crux of any mission. The only takeaway from successful relationships like the one mentioned above would be to always stick around. This may not sound easy but, when one wants the definition of love, acceptance is the only thing that breeds love which usually comes in the form of staying togethee right through. Only real love being effortless, is able to withstand this test of time.                                                                          We all have that different facet to our personality which is not often demonstrated. This side could be a streak of madness, wild child needs or being totally oneself or letting loose. People often make comments such as 'love makes my world go round' or 'life has come a full circle after the cupid struck' or even statements like they have found a new perspective towards life and that they have a new reason to live after they have found love. It is when this streak of madness or an unknown facet  is touched upon that life becomes worth living. That side only blossoms with love. And also it is scientifically proven that, when a person is in love, the chemicals that the brain releases are the same as when a person is mad. No wonder, we say 'love is blind' or 'madly in love'.

Thursday 8 January 2015

New Year Resolutions!

This new year my goal is to get into shape. And I want to commit to healthy living and eating. And I also plan to commit more time to my family and friends and not think about work all the time. And ya, I am also going to try and be as good a person as possible and refrain from any kind of misdeeds. And the list goes on.... As clichéd as it may sound, we all love making resolutions and commitments, as should be the case, but the only question that keeps coming into my head is - Are these resolutions only meant for the new year or any special occasion in an individual's life? I do not think we need to wait to make any kind of a resolve or commitment, as one may call it. And I do not even think one even needs to be expected to make one. Why only should special moments mark a change? What about the new year or a special milestone makes one want to promise for a change? Why do we subscribe to norms of having to make time-associated resolutions? As far as a new beginning that these events mark is concerned according to the demarcation made by humans, I can do that the day I feel it's time for one, realising it's importance and necessity. A resolve can be instinctive or on a definite purpose . It can be heartfelt and it can also be to sincerely want a change.I am absolutely for the concept of resolutions and commitments, no two ways about that. I am only concerned with the timing associated with the commitment.                                                                                                                                        The air of excitement and frenzy as the new year approaches is contagious. Infact the moments when the realization that we shall soon be going into the next year dawns upon us followed by its countdown, give us an adrenaline rush. The insurmountable level of excitement for the coming year, reflection on the year that went by and how fast it did at that, million plans for the new year's, zillion resolutions to be made and a gazillion other things.... These moments are overwhelming for people all across. We all want to make the coming year the best in our lives and hence the resolutions. All said and done, only a few try implementing these resolutions and fewer end up making them work. Nonetheless, it is quite fruitful when we make resolutions that materialise and we collectively see a better outcome. All in all, it is always fulfilling to start the year on a good note, if that gives us any hope.                                                         Personally, i have treaded the same path in terms of having a bucket list when it came to making resolutions. And trust me i did not find anything wrong with it. I tried repeating this act a couple of times and met with disappointment almost always. I later realized, after some self-interrogation, that i do not need a special occasion, particularly something that expects a commitment to be made. I have come to realize,that the more you keep thinking and reminding yourself of having to accomplish a goal that is deliberately made, the more short-lived the goal tends to be. This is for the plain reason that we are seeking external validation for something that is internal. As a promise that one makes to self rather than to the world, he/she needs complete self assurance. This promise is more internal than external and it does not need any external motivation. Because when you truly set out to bring about a change, telling people about it only makes you liable to them of living upto their expectations. You'd rather not want to carry that extra baggage.                                         Taking another approach, resolutions certainly exist to remind people that there is always a scope for change. To constantly make resolves for a better future that awaits all of us even though we do not feel the need to. To commit ourselves to what needs attention.To make us think and delve deeper into constantly finding ways to bring about a change in the lives of people around us. No wonder, change is the only constant!